Sequel: Ohio Is for Lovers
Status: complete

Wretched and Divine

Chapter Nine

“Lena, this is Jake.” Andy introduced the two.

Jake nodded once slightly and smiled; one ear bud in and one dangling on the white, skinny cord hanging by his side. Lena forced a slight smile back to be polite.

A few minutes of very awkward silence passed between the two before Lena noticed the hallway crowds begin to thin out which meant first period was about to start.

“I should get to class.” Lena finally said, adjusting her bag on her shoulder.

“Let me walk you there.” Jake interjected.

Lena just nodded a little as she turned and Jake followed. They walked together down the hallway but barely a word passed between them.

“I really would like to get to know you better.” Jake blurted out as they were approaching Lena’s class.

“Yeah, same.” Lena stated simply. She wasn’t sure why but Jake made her uncomfortable. Maybe it was because she knew about his little fling with Annabelle. He seemed nice so what reason was there for her to feel awkward? There really wasn’t one.

Later on that day, Lena had asked her study hall teacher if she could spend that hour in the library. She really didn’t have any friends she could talk to in her class. The library would be a good place for her to get Carson and Eve to meet with her.

Eve: Can’t. Got a test.

Carson: Teacher won’t let me leave.

Lena sighed, settling down at one of the round tables in the library. She set her bag down by her feet and took out her notebook, setting it on the table in front of her and opening it to a new page. She knew she should work on her homework but instead she ended up sketching out a unique, intricate design of swirls on the lined paper. After twenty minutes, she had covered at least half the page.

“What are you drawing?” A voice from behind startled her.

“Oh, Jake. It’s you.” She said as he pulled out a chair and sat down next to her. “It’s nothing. Just something stupid I—”

“Whoa.” He cut her off. “That’s not stupid. That’s really cool. How’d you do that?”

Lena cracked a real smile this time. “I just… drew a swirl, like this.” She drew a swirl on the paper.

“Well, all of them altogether like that looks awesome. Looks almost as if your paper is blooming or something. That would make an awesome tattoo.” He complimented. “What are you doing in the library?”

She shrugged. “I didn’t want to sit in study hall so I asked if I could come here. What are you doing here?”

“I’m here with my class.” He explained. “But I saw you sitting over here all alone and decided to ditch my class to sit with you instead.”

“How sweet.” She joked, laughing a little.

He laughed a little as well before changing the subject. “So, I was wondering…” He scooted his chair a little closer to hers. “If you’re up for it, would you maybe want to go out with me tonight? Like, maybe a movie or something?”

There was the movie idea again. Lena still couldn’t understand why guys always resorted to a movie. Movies weren’t the only thing you could do. And you can’t even talk to each other at the movies.

“Or whatever you want to do.” He added quickly.

This took Lena by surprise. Maybe Jake actually did like her. When Andy had asked her to hang out, he never offered to let her pick something; even though she ended up picking in the end anyway.

“Well, I know this is going to sound completely white girlish,” Lena began, “But have you ever been to Starbucks?”

Jake smiled. “No, I can honestly say I haven’t.” He leaned back in his chair, suavely.

“Well, we can meet up at the one in the mall and maybe go to Hot Topic or something. And if you still desperately want to see a movie, we can do that too.” Lena poked fun at him a little more.

“Coffee with a beautiful girl, my favorite store and the possibility of a movie? Could it get any better than that?” Jake nudged her arm a little.

Lena had to admit to herself that Jake was charming. He treated her so differently than Andy did. She liked the attention he gave her. She liked his compliments and his sweet attitude towards her. Andy was so much different. When she was with him, it seemed like he might like her. Maybe all that was holding him back was Annabelle. But now Lena began to think she liked Jake more than she expected to.
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so.. yeah. not much to say this time around. more comments would be much appreciated and if you could tell your friends about this too, that'd be awesome.

Shout outs:

-TheProphet--no hearts 4 u. u suq. <666