Status: completed<3

Love Isn't Always Fair

Love will kill us all

"Lacey? You never call me. Clearly something is going on. What's up?" Athena said into the phone.

"Have you seen the pictures from the party last night on facebook?" Lacey's nervous tone made Athena nervous.

"No, why...? And why do you sound so nervous?"

"Just look at the pictures. They'll explain everything."

The line was filled with dead air.

"Hello? Hello? Goddammit, Lacey."

Athena threw her phone on the bed and sat down on the end of her bed, pulling her laptop onto her lap. She brought up facebook and the first thing she saw on her news feed was a picture of Max, mouth to mouth with another girl. Athena's whole world crashed down around her. She didn't want to believe what she was seeing so she called Max, in hopes that this was all her imagination and none of it was actually real.

"Hey, beautiful. What's go-"

"Oh, don't give me that bullshit, Max." Athena felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"What the fuck are you-"

"The pictures?"

"What pictures, Athens?" Max sounded genuinely confused and Athena began to think that he had no idea that his party pictures were all over facebook.

"You mean you don't know? Pictures of you hooking up with that slut Jenna are all over the fucking internet, Max! I can't believe you would do that to me!"

"I hooked up with Jenna?" Max began to put together the pieces of last night's events in his mind.

"Don't play dumb, fucktard." Athena practically shouted.

"Shit..." Max finally remembered. "No, Athena, you don't understand. I didn't do this intentionally. I...I was high and drunk and-"

"Oh, shut up, Max. Those are a bunch of BS excuses."

"Babe, please. You have to believe me. I didn't mean to do any of it. I swear!"

Eventually, Athena gave into Max. She forgave him because she was afraid of losing him. She had loved him since they were little kids and her love for him grew stronger each passing day.

Max had been acting weird, though, the next few days afterwards. When Athena would ask him to hang out, he would always have an excuse. I have a lot of homework. Or I have band rehearsal. were his top two.

Athena was starting to get fed up with his excuses. One day, after school, Athena went straight to Max's house to see what he was up to. She couldn't take it anymore.

She walked up to his front door and knocked. No one answered. She knew he was home. His car was in the driveway. She hopped off the front step and peered into the window to see if she could see anyone. Her jaw practically hit the ground. There, on the couch in their full glory, was Max with Jenna underneath him. Max looked up briefly and saw Athena standing there with her mouth still wide open in shock and stained tears rolling down her cheeks.

Athena began to walk away but Max came stumbling out of the house with a blanket wrapped around his skinny waist.

"Athena! Wait!" He called for her.

"No, Max! You... You... You dick! I hate you! I can't believe you would do this to me!"

"Babe, can we just talk this out?"

"What makes you think I want to talk about this?! It's over this time, Max. I can't deal with this anymore. Have fun with Jenna."

Athena turned and ran. She didn't know where she was going, but anywhere was better than here.
♠ ♠ ♠
93 readers, 30 subscribers, 9 recs! Draammaa Llaaammaaa! Max got busted. I guess Sydney's hunch was right. I almost didn't write this chapter today because I was so exhausted from PT today so you all should feel very special that I used the little energy I had to write this.


-Sophia Rayne
-Perfect Weapon

for commenting! You guys are the best! You guys are what make this story worth writing! Please keep commenting and reading! Silent readers... Gah... Keep reading, and thanks!(: