Status: completed<3

Love Isn't Always Fair


"I just had to get out of there, Athena. I don't know why I ever left your father for him. I don't know why I stayed all those years." Her mom reached across the table and took Athena's hands in her own.

"I can't believe he abused you like that, Mom. He just... kicked you out of the house?"

"I didn't know where else I could go." Her mom looked down at her lap and pulled her hands back to her own body.

"Um, the police might have been a good place to stop."

"I wanted to go to the police but I just couldn't."

"Mom..." Athena's phone buzzed in her pocket. She knew who that was. She tried to ignore it but it kept buzzing.

"It's okay. Go ahead and answer it." Her mom smiled at her sympathetically.

Athena stood up and pulled her phone from her pocket as she walked down the hallway. "Hello?" She answered.

"You said you would call me back." She could hear the disappointment in CC's voice. "It's been almost an hour. Is everything okay?" CC's voice became frantic.

"God, CC. I'm fine for Christ sake." Athena said sounding a little more annoyed than she wanted.

"I'm sorry... I just got worried..."

She regretted what she had just said. "No, it's okay. I shouldn't have snapped at you just now. There's just... a lot going on right now."

"Mom?!" Athena heard Jane's voice coming from the kitchen.

"So, should we postpone tonight's plans?"

Athena sighed. She really didn't want to cancel but her mom had just come back. Something told Athena that her mom wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon so she said "No, we're still on. I can get a cover up."

"I'll pick you up at eight." She could hear CC smiling through his words.

She hung up and walked back to the kitchen where Jane and her mom were now hugging and crying. Athena heard the front door open and close. She knew that could mean only one thing. Her father was home. Athena retreated back a little into the shadowed hallway. She was afraid of what her dad's reaction would be. Jane backed away a little towards Athena when she saw her father standing in the entry way to the kitchen.

"Beth." He said. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"Paul, I-" She began but was cut off by him raising his hand to her.

"Athena? Jane?" He looked over to where they stood. "Could you give your mother and me some privacy?"

Athena turned and scurried up the stairs with Jane following her. Once they were upstairs, in the safety of the hallway, Athena spun around to face her sister.

"Jane, I need a favor. I'm begging you."

"What do you need?" Jane looked down at her sister.

"You have to cover for me. Please."

"You're sneaking out? To where?!"


"Is it a fucking party that I wasn't informed of?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure."


"Jane! Focus please. I need you to cover for me. Okay?"

"Fine... What time are you coming home?"

"I don't know yet but I'll let you know. Deal?"

"I suppose..."

"Thank you!" Athena threw her arms around her sister.

Jane laughed and hugged her back. "Okay, at least let me help you get ready?"

Athena agreed and Jane followed her into her room.

To CC: Don't pull up to the driveway. Park a few feet away and text me when you're here. I'll come meet you.

After about two hours of Jane helping Athena get her hair, makeup, and outfit ready, it was nearing eight o'clock. Athena's phone buzzed on the bed and Jane went to go pick it up.

"Ooh. Who's CC and why is there a heart next to their name?" Jane looked up at Athena.

Athena practically jumped on top of her sister to retrieve her phone. "He's no one." Athena stated.

"He? Ooh, sis. You better be getting some tonight or I'll be disappointed."

"Oh, would you shut up and help me out the window?"

Jane giggled as she walked over to the window.

"Shit. Wait." Athena rushed over to her notebook on her bedside table and tore out a page that she folded up and stuffed into her pocket.

"What's that?" Jane questioned.

"Nothing, Ms. nosy. Now help me."

Jane helped Athena out the window and to the ground. "Let me know when you plan on coming home!" Jane called down after her sister.

Athena gave her a thumbs up and ran off to find CC's car. Sure enough, he had done what she said and parked a few feet away from the house. She jumped in the passenger's side and he greeted her.

"Now, close your eyes." CC commanded.

"Why...?" Athena asked skeptically.

"I want it to be a surprise!" CC exclaimed.

"Well, okay." Athena closed her eyes and felt the car begin to move.

They drove for what seemed like three seconds and then the car came to an abrupt stop. Athena figured they were at a traffic light or stop sign but CC's voice chirped, "Here! Open your eyes."

Athena slowly opened her eyes and saw they were sitting in a driveway in front of a house.

"Welcome to abode a la CC!" He smiled at her. "Come on."

She followed him inside and sat down next to him on the couch.

"So, tell me. Why did you go all MIA for a few days?"

Athena sighed and began to tell him all about Max. CC was infuriated that Max had hurt her so bad but now things were going just as he had planned. She finished her story and an awkward silence fell over them. CC looked over at Athena who was looking down at her lap.

"Athena?" He said.

When she looked up, he leaned in swiftly and connected their lips. To his surprise, she kissed him back. The kisses started out soft but got increasingly stronger. Athena couldn't believe this was all happening. She thought she was in heaven.

As CC's hands began to explore, a wave of fear washed over her. She put her hands on his chest and began to push him away roughly. CC's hands immediately dropped and he pulled away.

"Is everything okay? Am I moving too fast?"

Athena shook her head. "No, CC. It's not you." She reached into her pocket and pulled out the piece of notebook paper. "Read this." She handed it to him.

He opened it and began to read the first few sentences.

CC, there's something I need to tell you and whether you ever read this or not, who knows. But I need you to know that I was raped.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter as promised! Damn, this was a long chapter. You guys should be happy! This should hold you guys over for a few days. I start school on Tuesday so my updates are going to begin to slow down... D: Waah, I know! But SENIOR YEAR BITCHES! I'm fucking pumped. All the freshies are now my peasants. haha I'm on tumblr too much...


-Perfect Weapon

for commenting! You guys are so awesome! :D OH! I have a question. Sex or no sex? Would you guys want that? I'm trying to plan for future chapters and I wasn't sure if you guys wanted them to do it or not. Let me know! I can do whatever!