Status: completed<3

Love Isn't Always Fair


CC pulled into a parking spot beside Eric's car and got out, the guys following his actions.

"Are you sure this is the place?" CC asked, looking around at the big, abandoned looking building in front of them.

"It's gotta be. This is the place the phone call was traced to. They have to be in this building somewhere." Eric said. "Come on, let's go." Eric started walking toward the building.

"Boys, wait a second. Assuming these men have weapons, what are we going to do? We can't just go in unarmed." Paul said. Everyone agreed. Ashley slowly raised his hand.

"Yes, Ashley?" Andy called on him.

"I have a flat iron." He said.

Andy's palm connected with his forehead. "Ashley, that's not very helpful right now."

"Why don't we just call the police?" Jinxx suggested.

"No, we can't do that." CC said.

"Well, why not?" Jake asked.

"Because..." CC folded his arms over his chest. "I've always wanted to be that knight in shining armor hero who saves a damsel in distress..."

"CC..." Andy sighed. "This is no time to be living out your fantasies. This is serious shit. We're going up against big guys with big guns that can blow your brains out in one shot."

"Mmm, comforting, Andy. Thanks." CC retorted.

"Hey, maybe they keep some spare hand guns or something in the back of those vans." Eric pointed to the line of vans on the other side of the parking lot.

"They probably keep their cars locked, though." Jake said.

"I can pick a lock." Eric said.

"What can't you do, Eric?" CC asked.

Eric rolled his eyes at him before motioning the rest of the group to follow him. The seven of them snuck across the parking lot and towards the vans.

"Alright," Eric said, kneeling beside the lock of the back of the van.

In a moment's time, there was a click and the back door of the van was unlocked. In the back of the van, there was an array of guns.

"Everyone grab one." Eric ordered. Everyone grabbed one before Eric shut the doors to the van.

"Follow me." CC said.

They all followed him to the front door of the building. They gathered on the steps and CC looked around at the group before holding up his gun and kicking the door down. They entered the first room of the building to find it surprisingly empty.

"There's no one even here?" Andy half-whispered.

A gun shot fired causing multiple to sound through the empty halls of the old building.


"I hear gun shots from upstairs." Jane said.

Athena looked up at her, hope filling her eyes. "Someone must be here! Someone who will come save us! Help! Help!" Athena shouted. Jane joined her in calling for help but the gun shots kept sounding.

"Keep trying!" Athena encouraged. "Someone help us!" She yelled out.


"CC! Did you hear that?" Andy shouted over the gun shots.

By now, most of Keith's men were too injured to fight back or they were dead.

"I hear someone calling for help!" Andy continued. "Over there!" He pointed to a door on the other side of the room. "Take Eric and Paul with you! Jake, Ashley, Jinxx and I will fight them off. Go! Be that knight in shining armor hero!"

CC smiled. "Thank you, Andy." He said before turning in the direction of the door. "Eric! Paul! Over here!" He called to them.

The rushed over to him and followed him through the door and down the stairs. There, at the bottom of the stairs, was Athena, Jane and Beth.

"Athena!" CC exclaimed and rushed over to her cell.

"Eric!" Jane reached out to him through the bars.

"Don't worry, babe, we'll get you guys out of here." Eric said and began searching through his pockets for the device he used to pick the lock earlier.

"Paul?" Beth looked over at her ex-husband.

"Beth!" He ran over to her cell.

"Your lip is bleeding!" She said.

He reached up and saw his fingers stained with blood. "Oh, don't worry about me. What matters is that you're okay."

"You came to save me? But...Why? After the way I treated you-"

"Because I love you, Beth." Paul took her hand in his and caressed her cheek.

There was a clunk sound and Jane's cell door opened. She jumped into Eric's arms before letting him unlock Athena's and her mom's cells.

Athena limped into CC's arms and cried into his chest. She had missed his arms around her, the feeling of protection he gave her and the smell of him surrounding her.

"Athena, are you okay?" He asked, kissing the top of her head.

She shook her head subtly and looked down at her leg. There was a tear in her pant leg and blood was seeping through.

"Oh, god. What the hell happened?!"

Athena sniffled. "Keith... shot me."
♠ ♠ ♠
I surprisingly have nothing to say today other than my thank yous. So I guess let me get to it.



for commenting/voting! I haven't picked a band member yet for the next fic. Voting is still open! If you haven't voted yet and would still like to, you can! I won't close voting until the final chapter of the story is posted!