Status: completed<3

Love Isn't Always Fair

Dear CC,

"I mean, look at him. That's not CC. That's someone else in CC's body." Jake commented.

"Ever since the stop in L.A., he's been acting all weird like this." Jinxx agreed.

"It's that girl he saw at Warped."

"The sixteen year old?"

"Yeah, he told you about her?"

"Yeah, he can't shut up about her."

Jake and Jinxx walked over to the booth that CC sat at alone and slid in with him.

"Come on, dude. It's just one girl you'll probably never see again. Why must you be so hung up on her like this?" Jake asked.

"Way to be sincere." Jinxx elbowed him in the side lightly.

CC sighed. "I don't know, guys. I just can't seem to shake this. I kinda just want to go back to the bus."

CC stood up and started to walk towards the door. "I'll wait for you guys outside." He called over his shoulder before disappearing in the sea of people.

Jinxx and Jake looked at each other.

"Maybe he's sick?" Jake suggested.

"Yeah," Jinxx said. "Love sick."

Jinxx took hold of Jake's wrist and pulled him through the crowds to find Andy and Ashley. They found Andy at the bar.

"Andy, we have to go." Jinxx said.

"That time already?" Andy asked.

"It's CC..."

"You've noticed that too? Is he okay?"

"I don't know..."

"I see Ashley. Let's grab him and head back to the bus." Andy walked over to Ashley and took his wrist and pulled him away from the girl he was dancing with.

"Hey!" Ashley whined but then looked back over at the girl and mouthed 'call me' before he disappeared among the crowd.

They walked back to the bus with CC practically running ahead of them all. CC was the first one on the bus. He dived into his bunk and pulled up twitter to see if Athena had finally answered him. A smile formed on his face as he read:

Dear CC,
I'm sorry it has taken me so long to respond to you. I wanted to make sure it was perfect, just for you. I really appreciate your compliments on my appearance, but I'll tell you honestly, I don't really think I'm all that pretty. I don't think very highly of myself at all. I have a lot of self confidence issues. I will tell you that you're the reason I haven't cut in three weeks. I'm trying really hard because I don't want to let you down. I don't want to break that promise. If there was a chance for us to see each other again, I would drop everything just to come see you. Maybe another concert in the future. I'll keep on the lookout for it and be the first one to buy tickets. I hope you are doing okay. I mean, I'm sure you are. You're Christian fucking Coma after all. I never, not once, have seen you in a bad mood. Keep smiling!(:

Athena sat in her room alone with Black Veil Brides blasting and just surfing the internet. There was a knock on her door so she turned down the volume as she said "Come in." Athena's sister, Jane, poked her blonde head in.

"Hey." Jane said. "Eric and I are going out for a little. You'll be okay by yourself until Dad gets home, right?"

"Yes, Jane." Athena sighed. "I'm not going to have Max over. And I'm fucking sixteen. Not six."

"Jesus. Calm your tits. I'm just trying to be big sisterly." Jane smiled at her.

Athena and Jane were really close as sisters. Athena told Jane practically everything.

"Outta the way, Janester. Gotta have a heart-to-heart with my best girl here." Eric pushed passed Jane and into Athena's room.

At the sight of Eric, Athena pulled her knees up to her chest and huddled up in a ball in the corner of her bed. Athena couldn't stand Eric.

"Whatever," Jane said. "I'll be downstairs. Come find me when you're done talking to dork face."

"She said with so much love." Athena commented as Jane left down the stairs.

"Athena. Greek goddess. Your name suits you, you know." Eric sat on the bed next to Athena.

"What do you want, dick face?" Athena spat.

"To make sure our little secret is still... a secret."

"Yes... I haven't told anyone..." Athena gulped as Eric moved his face closer to hers.

"Not even Jane? I know how close you two are."

Athena could smell the tobacco and alcohol mix lingering on his breath.

"Especially not Jane."

"Good." Eric stood up and walked out of the room to join Jane downstairs.

Athena ran to her door and slammed it shut. She looked over at the dresser and walked over to it; opening the top drawer and pulling out a small box. She lifted the lid and watched as the light glinted off the metal razors placed neatly in the box. She picked one up and examined it before taking a deep breath and putting the razor back down in the box.

She knew she couldn't let CC down. She placed the box back in the drawer and went back to sit on her bed. She sat there and allowed the terrible memories to resurface and flood her mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
47 readers, 16 subscribers! You guys make me feel so special (:

Special thanks to:

-Kaitlyn (LunaGreenDay)

for commenting! :D