Sequel: Liars Revived
Status: Completed

Disaster Reformed

Chapter Seven

A few years later…

Lonely. That was all she was. She hadn’t seen Itachi since that one time she protected him from Sasuke, hadn’t seen Sasuke since he left Konoha. Barely anyone was in the village anymore, most left to go on missions every week, and she couldn’t go on any of them.

Why she couldn’t go, she didn’t understand. Nor did she really care. She just wanted her brothers back. But she doubted that would ever happen. What were they doing out there?

Sasuke was with Orochimaru, the bastard. Wanting Sasuke’s body for eternal youth. If Sasuke died, what would she do? Kill Orochimaru, of course. What else?

Walking around the village in boredom, her eyes trailed from shop to shop, person to person, never really seeing. People stopped to have a conversation, happily chatting away. They seemed to not have a care in the world, unlike everyone else in the village. At least, everyone worried about Sasuke and everything else.

And suddenly, Naruto appeared in the village, running past her, almost into her. Turning around, he apologized, and then continued running. She barely heard him. She was too set on leaving.

A distant memory, this place would be. Nothing more, nothing less. Once she left, she would never turn back.

The entrance to the village came into view, happiness finally moving through her body. Finally. I can leave. Coming to the gates, she broke out into a run, leaving the Village, and then jumped from the ground onto a tree branch.

* * *
“Oh no.”

“I can’t believe this, our valuable member.”

“What the hell happened?” a voice boomed.

* * *

Sitting in a tree, lost in her own thoughts, Suki didn’t notice when someone came up behind her. Nor did she notice when the person called her name.


Eyes traveled down, glancing upon a blue figure. A fish. No, a shark. She almost didn’t recognize the man, only seeing him once. Unfortunately, she forgot his name. So how did he know her?

Wait a minute. Itachi, he would have had to do with this right?

“Who are you?” Hopping down from the branch, she stood, looking up at him. His eyes seemed sad, but from what?

“You do not remember me?”

“I never knew you. I only met you once. Therefore, you weren’t ever into my brain to begin with. Now please, state your name and your purpose for why you’re here.”

“My name is Kisame, and I have some bad news to deliver.”

Cocking her head to the side, she stared at him in confusion. “You have bad news to deliver to…me? What could you possibly have to deliver?”

A grim look crossed his face. The wind seemed to pick up, clouds moving overhead. It was as if the weather knew that something bad was about to happen.

“Kisame?” Narrowing her eyes, she glared at him. “This better not be a joke. What has happened? Why are you here? Tell me already!”

“One of our comrades has died. He has been murdered.”

“Okay? What does that have to do with…” A look of pure horror crossed her face at that moment, and she stumbled backwards. “No… Please tell me it’s not…”

“It is. Itachi is dead. Sasuke succeeded in killing him.”

The world seemed to spin, her heart pounded in her ears, all too loud. It seemed almost deafening. Wind swirled around her, lifting her hair, blowing it about her face. Trees cracked from the force of it.

“No… Not my brother, anything but that. You’re lying, you have to be!” Eyes closed of their own accord, a tear trailing down her cheek. Her heart was definitely being ripped out of her chest at that moment. Nothing could be said at that moment.

Kisame knew, and she knew. The news was delivered, and so he left. Left her to deal with the pain on her own. Itachi wouldn’t have wanted him to stay, to try and comfort her. It wasn’t in Kisame to do so, he would only continue to hurt her.

Why? Why did this always happen? Her family, dead. Sasuke, no longer her family. He became dead to her the moment he laid a deathly hand on her brother. Oh God.

Almost falling to her knees to the ground, she remained upright, staring after Kisame’s trail, before deciding to follow it. She had a mission on her hands.

* * *
“Lady Tsunade, Suki is gone. She’s left the Leaf Village.”

“I know.”

“Then why aren’t we sending someone after her?” Naruto slammed his hands on the desk in front of Tsunade, staring at her with annoyance.

“There’s no trace of her. Her scent has completely disappeared. It’s weird, like she disappeared off the face of the earth.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The ending. a sequel will most likely be here soon. If I can get ideas, that is. Until then, I'm sorry for the shortness of this story.