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I wish i was stuck somewhere with you. Like we were locked together in a closet, and in the tight space your body would be pressed up against mine at all possible angles. Struggling at the door with you, I would eventually tell you we will just have to wait until they let us out, and discontentedly you would lay back against the opposite wall, your legs tangled up with mine.

After your anger subsided we would finally get to talking, meaningless at first, until slowly we get more and more intimate in our words. You would be avoiding subjects, clearly, yet i do not call you on it, as i don't want to come on too strong.

Eventually, however, you would be forced to give an answer, and you wouldn't know what to say, but I lean in and kiss you, and grab you swiftly into my embrace, pulling you closer, until you are as close to me as you can be in the tight space.

I wouldn't be able to see you in the dark, but even better, you wouldn't be able to see me. All my hate and doubt would be masked in it, and I can truly come out of this shell of a god, and begin to take my true form, as i take you.

Our limbs sweaty, but our souls light and happy as can be. We would once again become one.

Personalities would really matter, because, after all this is only a fantasy.

A fantasy made in the sad mind of a lost god.

And anything can happen in a fantasy.

... It is only wished that it could happen for real.