Bloody Valentine

at Sams house.

"Hey stephanie I think your phone is ringing." Mandy said.

Stephanie looked at the collar I.D.

"Oh what do you know, its Sam."

She answered the call.


"Hey stephanie. you ok?"

"Not really."

"Why whats wrong?"

"Well I think Ian just got killed."

"Ok where are you I'll be right over."

"Babe, your not going anywhere."

"Yes I am, theres a killer on the loose and I'm going to find him."

Stephanie sighed in defeat.

"Fine but please be careful."

"Hold on stephanie theres someone at my door."


With the phone still in his hand he went to answer the front door. He opened the door to reveal a some what shady man starting at him

"Hello who are you?"

The mysterious man then shoots Sam and runs off.

"Sam I heard a gun shot. What happened?"

Sam couldn't hear his lovers words. The poison and shock got to him and he passed out. He fell to the ground, accidently hanging up as he did so.

"Sam? SAAAAM!? Sams not answering Mandy, we have to go to his house."

"Ok, but it will take us 10 minutes."

"Thats to long we need to get there now!"

Mandy put her hands over Stephanie's.

"Stephanie listen to me, Sam is not going to be defeated that easily. We'll make it in time, don't worry."
Stephanie sighed and leaned back in herr seat.

"Yeah your right. But what if somthing bad happened to him?"

"Lets just go to his house ok?"


Ten minutes later, Mandy and Stephanie drove into Sands drive way. Stephanie wasted no time getting out the car. She ran to the front door and took the back up key from under the welcome mat.

"Stephanie wait! You just can't run into his house."

"Yes I can, I'm his Mrs.Smiley."

When she unlocked the door she screamed. Mandy ran to her side and gaped arty the sight of a passed out Sam lying in his own blood. Stephania ran to him and fell to her knees, tears falling from her eyes.

"SAM! Sam are you alright? Sam answer me."

"Stephanie check for a pulse."

Stephanie nodded and felt a certain spot on Sands neck.

"Its weak but hes still alive."

Mandy took out her phone and dialed a number.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling 911."

San opened his eyes, his vision blurry. He was still able to see Stephanie and Mandy though.


"Sam! What happened?"

"He was here, the murderer he was trying to kill me but he missed my heart by a couple of inches."

He tried to sit up, but a was stopped by a sharp poison in his chest. Stephania put his head on her lap.

"Save your strength, Sam"

Sam nodded. He started feeling light headed and closed his eyes, passing out again.

"Sam? Sam? He passed out again."

Mandy hung up the phone.

"The ambulence will be here in 5 minutes so lets get out of here."

Mandy tried to help her partner stand, but was slapped away.

"I'm not leaving his side."

Mandy was going to object, but decided against it.

"Ok then do what you can to stop the bleeding. I'm just going to go knocking on peoples doors to see if they heard anything."

Stephanie nodded and went to get a first aid kit. She prayed that her Mr.Smiley would be okay.