Bloody Valentine

Bye boys

I turn on the bluetooth and sit on the bed and wait to see what the status update was. "Randy." I said into the bluetooth.

No answer. I had a terrible feeling that something bad happened to him.

"Randy, are you there?"

I wasbreaking into tears now but then heard someone breathing and thought it was Randy but realized that it was a different man's voice.... so familiar too.

"Hello Mandy."

"James? What have you done to Randy?!?!?"

"Oh he's in a better place now."

"You shot him?!?!?"

"With his own sniper rifle..... he was gonna try and ruin the two lovebirds fun and we don't want to do that now, do we?"

"Yes we do! Ian is forcing Stephenie to marry him and Sam's too weak to do anything!" "But she still loves him..... Atleast for now."

"What are you talking about?"

"You see my sweet, he has bought tons of jewels, her dream house and everything so in about 2 days, she'll forget she was even forced to marry Ian."

"He's gonna buy her affection?!?!?"

"You could say it like that. Now where are you so we can go back to the wedding, apoligize to Ian and be friends again, huh?"

"HA! You think I'm gonna tell you where I am? Never!"

I hear the door get kicked in and quickly close the door and lock it before the guards came in. I peeked through the keyhole and saw Lucy, Eric and James all here. Lucy caught me staring out at her, then smiled and said, "I think I've found her!" The boys stop in their tracks and run to the bedroom door where I'm hiding at.

"Get out, Mandy! We know your in there!" Eric said.

I quickly unlocked the door, grabbed the gun, and hid in the closet..... this was my plan to surprise attack them.

The door creaks open and I hear light footsteps like a pitter-patter of rain on the roof at 3:00 in the morning. "Come one out Mandy, I know your in here somewhere." James said.

How did they know I was at Randy's house? I never told them and Randy never told them either..... that was obvious that he had died because he wouldn't tell them where I was. They came closer to the closet door.... footsteps coming my way..... I couldn't breath and I felt like I was going to past out from too much anxiety and was shaking like crazy! I pointed the gun to the door, knowing they were about to open it so I can shoot them and this would be done and over with. James opens the closet door, and I point the gun at him, and he just laughs.

"What is a little lady like you, going to do with a gun like that?"

"What does it look like people do with guns? They shoot people they don't like."

I pointed it at him, and shot him in the chest.

"I'll see you in hell, Mandy." He with a smile on his face.

He collapsed to the floor and I then shot Eric in the same spot but I couldn't bring myself to killing Lucy.... She was my friend since middle school...... Why would I have any reason to shoot her for?