Bloody Valentine

A mole of our own

I just stood there, pointing the gun at Lucy. I was friends with her almost as long as I was friends wth Steph. She was such a bright girl, why did she have to part of this? I want to let her go, but what if she comes back doing something worse? But if I kill her... If I kill her...


I looked up at her. She looked into my eyes with a tearful look.

"I'm sorry. I wanna help you."

I eyed her suspiciosly.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"I'll do anything to prove it.... Please Mandy... Will you give me another chance?"

Is she lying? Could I trust her? I sighed and slowly put down my gun, but kept it close.


She gave a smile and hugged me, to my surprise.

"I already know what I could do to help. I'll go back to Ian and pretend I'm still on his side, when I'm ready there for info. When I have something good I'll go to you with it."

"Sound good to me. What do we do about the wedding?"

"For now we let them get wed."

My eyes widened at this suggestion.


"I already know what he's planing to do. He won't leave you and Sam alone, he's gonna kill you both and make it seem like someone else did it."

"What the hell is wrong with him?'

"He's willing to do anything to make Stephanie is his property. He knows that if he lets you live then you'll find a way to take back Stephanie."

"He's smarter then I thought. Alright, I'll go with your plan. But what about the assasination on me and Sam?"

"I'll tell him I'll do it. I'll go to kill you but, really come back with info."

I smiled.

"Thanks Lucy."

She nodded.

"We have to go back to the wedding. I'll be near you the whole time to make sure nothing bad happens. Ian won't stop until you're found. Just in case, take your gun but hide it."

I nodded. We went outside and into her car, heading back to the wedding.