Bloody Valentine

Fond Memories of mine

Sam and me walk to the car, and like a gentleman, he opens my door first, then his own.

"Why thank you. Your such a gentleman, Sam."

"Anything for my beautiful girlfriend."

All I do is smile, then stare out the window of his Truck. It was a 2012 edition Harley-Davidson® F-150. It was a kind of satin chrome color, which I loved. I started to think of the day when Sam asked me out. It all started back in High school. Sam and I went to Pinellas High School together. He was going out with a popular girl named Lucy Madison who hit him all the time, and acted like she was single. Sam was in my math class, which was my favorite subject when he told me about that.

"She keeps acting like she's embarrassed by me and I don't know why. Can you help me, Stephenie?" "I can try to but what do you want me to do about it?"

"Talk to her for me? She's so mean, that if I talk to her about it, she'll laugh and punch me to the floor. Please?"

"Oh alright. How can I ever resist a face so handsome like that?"

I could feel my face turning red. I thought I was gonna die of embarrassment! I looked up from my bangs to see him smiling and blushing too.

"Um......... I'll talk to her at lunch then."

"Thank you and really? You think I'm handsome?"

He looks at me to see me blush.

"Um........... I'm gonna get back to work now."

We were in the 12th grade at the time when he asked me out, but first, I had to talk to Lucy. I walk to her table at lunch and sit down. She laughs with her friends and snorts at me.

"Excuse me, nerd. Why are you at the popular girl's table?"

"I need to talk to you. It's about your boyfriend, Sam."

"Oh. Be right back, girls. This shouldn't take too long." She said smiling as she left the table to walk outside, and talk to me.

"Okay, how do you know my boyfriend, what is this about, and did he send you?"

"Your boyfriend is in my math class and asked me to talk to you. Yes he sent me, and it's about how the fact that you embarrassed to be with him in public. Why is that, exactly? He's always been so nice to you."

"You want to know why? He's a nerd, a freak, an outcast! I mean look at him. A popular, and a geek like him? That's like a war! I would lose my popularity status if I admitted I went out with him."

"He's not a geek, nerd, freak or an OUTCAST! I'm like him too. So your calling me all that! Then which do you pick? Your popularity status, or your boyfriend?"

"Is that a trick question?"

"No, it's not."

"My popularity, of course!"

"You just made a big mistake!"

I say as I punched her in the face. People are now looking outside as we get into a fight. I see Sam run outside to break it up.

"What's going on here?"

"She punched me, babe. Tell her off!"

I charge in now.

"She's lying. She doesn't love you, Sam. She just cares about her popularity status!"

"Is that true, Lucy?"

She comes back in now.

"Yeah, but so what? My status is more important then anything in this world!"

"Even me?"

"Like, yeah! Have you not been listening? I don't love you!"

"But, but........... that's it! We're through, you prissy little snob!"

"Good! Why do I care? I still have my status as a popular and now single, hottie!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to take evasive actions against her. I took a garbage can, and dumped it on her head.
♠ ♠ ♠
now it's done. next one is the second part of this. :)