Bloody Valentine

Blown Cover

Ian has been pacing in his living room for a while. He was waiting For Stephanie to come back. He let her leave the Mansion because he had the area covered with his goons, so she couldn't escape if she wanted to. He sat on the couch with a sigh. He gave her servants, a fairy tale wedding and her dream house. Why won't she just love him. Ian grinned.

"She's a stubborn one. She always has been."

He walked over to the front door when he heard someone knocking on it. He was happy to find Stephanie outside.

"Have you cooled off, darling?"

Stephanie smiled and gave nod. Ian looked at her, wondering why she didn't talk with her words.

"What's wrong Stephanie? Cat got your tongue?"

Stephanie motioned to her throat.

"Your throat is sore?" He asked.

Stephanie nodded.

"Come in. I'll make you some tea."

Stephanie walked into the mansion. She looked around and was amazed at how beautiful it looked, even though she had already seen it once. She watched as Ian walked into the kitchen to get the tea started. She walked upstairs and opened a door to one of the many rooms in the mansion. She closed the door and sat on the bed with a sigh. She took out her phone and dialed a number. She was happy to hear that Sam picked up.

"Hey, Mandy. Are in the mansion."

"Yeah. The bastard couldn't tell the difference."

"Good. Now when his gaurd is down-"

"Sam! You told me then plan a hundred times already. Get close to him blah, blah, blah. Befriend him, blah, blah, blah. Kill him when his gaurd is down, blah, blah, blah."

Mandy heard someone knock on the door.

"Stephanie, my love. I finished your tea." Ian called through the door.

"Damn that was fast. I gotta go, Sam."

"Becareful." Sam said.

Mandy hung up and went to answer the door. she saw Ian with a loveing smile on his gace and a cup of hot tea in his hand.

"May I come in, love?"

Mandy nodded and stepped to the side so he can enter the room.

He sighed and looked back at Mandy.

"Why don't you guys just give up?"

Mandy tiled her head, confused. He stared daggers into.

"I know who you are, YOU DECITEFUL BITCH!"

When he yelled that he splashed the hot tea in her face. Mandy yelled and held her face in pain. She took a few steps back and fell to the floor. Ian grabbed her by the arm and yanked her to her feat. She dragged to the other side of the room grabbed onto her hair. When he had a good grip on her black locks he slammed her face onto a table and brought her to a mirror to show that the make-up came off, because of the tea. Her tan skin was slightly red from the heat of the liquid.

"Looks like you cover was blown, Mandy. Maybe you should have kept you mouth shut." He clenched his teeth together and whispered in her ear with rage.

"Kill me when my gaurd's down huh? Well, I got some news for you Rose" He turned her around and slapped her the the floor. He glared down at her. "Ever since you escaped the wedding reception, my gaurd has been nothing but up."

"You're a fucking asshole!"

Ian kicked her in the ribs, smirking when he heard a cracking sound.

"So Sam's alive huh? After the hit I put out on him?" He kneeled down to her level. "Where is he?"

Mandy only glared.

"So you're not gonna say anything? Fine with me. I got ways of making you squeel."

He grabbed her hair and brought her back up. He dragged her to the basement of the mansion, being sure to bring her phone.


"Sam, calm down." Lucy said. Sam was sitting next to her on the couch, fidgeting.

"I'm not going to calm down. What if something happend to her?"

"Steph or Mandy?"


"Relax. I'm sure they're both okay. Look, you've got your hair straightened so you look like Eric. If you're that worried we could go to Ians place now to see what's up."

"Why the hell didn't we do that an hour ago?"

Lucy shrugged. Sam put on his hat and they headed to Ians mansion.


"Where's Little?" Ian asked.

Mandy was taking in deep breathes. There were slash marks on her body and she was chained to a wall. She didn't wanna say a word to him. Ian whipped Mady with a leather whip, grunting as he did so.

"Where is he damnit?!"

Mandy only screamed in pain. She had blood in the areas Ian had whipped her.

"So you won't respond to whipping, huh? Fine."

He went over to a shelf and looked through its contents. He took out a knife and examined it. He slowly walked over, his walk oozing with confidence and evil.

"Well, there's more than one way to skin a cat."


As Ian and Lucy drove to the mansion they both prayed that Mandy and Stephanie were okay.

"I swear if he even thinks about touching them, I'm gonna skull fuck that bastard!" Ian said.

"I hope you don't mind getting an STD." Lucy said, looking out the window.

"Lucy, no jokes. Please."

Sam answered his phone when it rang.


"Hello, Sam." Ian said.

"You!" Sam yelled.

"Yes, me. I see you got rid of my hit men. I underestimated you, it seems. I tried to get Rose to open up but she just wouldn't sing like the pretty bird she is."

Ian grunted as he stabbed Mandy in the shoulder with his already bloodied knife.

"You bastard! Did you hurt her!?"

"I don't know. Did I?"

Ian brought the phonr close to Mandy, who only shut her eyes.

"C'mon Rose. Don't you wanna say hello to Sammy?"

Ian twisted the knife in her shoulder. Mandy gave a blood curdeling scream.

"Good girl, Rose." Ian brought the phone back to him, still twisting the knife into the bloodied Rose known as Mandy.

"Did you hear that, Little?"

"I'm gonna hurt you so bad, your gonna wish your mom had an abortion!"

"I'm sure. Look, I'm tired of these silly games. I'm sure you got my adress. Come here. We're finishing this once and for all."

"Fine! But I swear if I find Mandy dead-"

"I won't kill her." Ian took the knife out of Mandy's shoulder and started cutting the skin in her side, her blood streaming like a river. "Atleast, I don't think. See later, Little."

"Why you little ba-"

"Ba bye." Ian hung up on Sam. He looked at Mandy and grinned.

"When Sam gets here, you're dead." Mandy said.

Ian held her chin up and licked some of the blood off her collar bone.

"Oh, I'm shaking. I bet he'll do something scary." Ian gave an evil chuckle. "Now let's have some fun, shall we Rose?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long. I hope it was worth the wait.