Bloody Valentine


"Why did you do that for?" Lucy asked.

"So now I can say that that outfit of yours, looked trashed before, but I just made it so much better. Have some dirt on those things you call shoes, it'll make them look so much better."

"You-you! Ugh!"

She shoved me out of the way, and walked to the girl's bathroom.

"I can't believe you stood up for me, Stephenie. Will you go out with me?"

"Oh my goodness. Yes I will, Sam."

He gave me a hug, then we walked away. How we first met was at Countryside mall. I was working at Hot Topic when Sam came in, looking for a Three Days Grace T-shirt in the summer of 2015 before 12th grade started.

"Hello, Stephenie?"

"Yes, how can I help you, sir?"

"Uh.........." "Sir?"


"Did you want something, sir?"

"Oh, sorry. I got distracted."

"By what?"

"Um.......... too embarrassing to say."

"Just tell me"

"I was distracted, because of your beauty."

I see him blush then look away.

"Oh. Why thank you, sir."

"Call me Sam, Sam Little."

"Okay, Sam." I said, now blushing.

"So what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for a Three Days Grace T-shirt."

"You like Three Days Grace? Me too! What school do you go to? I feel like I've seen you before, and your name is so familiar."

"Really? And I go to Pinellas High School. What's your name?"

"You do? And yeah. They are my favorite band, ever! Stephenie, Stephenie Black."

"I have science class, math class and almost every class with you!"

"Really? Interesting!"

"Where are the shirts at?"

"Oh. Um....... I'll help you."

I stepped away from the counter to go help him find what he was looking for. I grab a shirt from one of the racks and turn around to see him and me, nose to nose.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry."

"No, it's my fault."

I look at him carefully. He had black curls that were oh so adorable that I wanted to play with, he had the brownest eyes I have ever seen, and he had the cutest laugh that I'll never forget.

"Is this what you're talking about?" I asked him but I noticed he was staring at my shirt.

I totally forgot, that I was wearing an Inuyasha shirt that day.

"Inuyasha, huh? I don't like it that much. I kinda hate it."

"Have you ever even watched it before?"

"No, not really."

"You need to watch it, then."

"If I had someone to watch it with, then maybe I would watch it." He said now giving me that cute smile of his.

"I get off of work at 5. Maybe come over to my house, hang out, and watch some Inuyasha movies? I have all 4 of them."

"Okay, sure and while I'm here, when are you on break?"

"Uh........ in 10 minutes, why?"

"Would you like to go get some lunch with me?"

"I would love to, but don't you want the shirt first?"

"Huh? Sorry I totally forgot about the shirt. Sure. How much is it?"

"It's $16.00, sir."

"Here's a $20 dollars, and a $10 dollar tip for your beautiful self."

"Oh no, keep it. I insist. Here you go. $4 dollars back."

"No keep the $14 dollars, and I'll add on $16 so you can get something for your pretty little self."

"Your such a gentleman! I didn't expect that out of a boy like you."

"Like me? You must know some guys that are jerks."

"Yeah, I do, actually."

"Shall we to lunch, milady?"

He holds out his elbow so our elbows can lock.

"We shall, my good man." I say, now blushing at the fact that he was such a gentleman more then I expected.

We went to go have some lunch at Apple Bee's, and talked almost my entire lunch. We finished eating lunch, which he paid for the both of us, so I thought I could pay for the both of us to get ice cream.

"I insist on paying for the ice cream, Sam. It's the least I can do since you paid for lunch."

I started to pull out my money, but he pushed my hand away.

"No, I will pay for the ice cream. You shouldn't have to pay for me to get anything at all."

"But I insist, Sam-"

He puts his finger to my lips.

"Shh.......... not another word. I will pay for our ice cream, so you don't have to."

I just stood there, frozen in place from him putting his finger to my lips. I started to stutter and it was obvious, too.

"U-uh well, I-i um.............. O-okay then." I finally said.

He stopped to look at me, walk closer to me, start to grab for my hands, then he kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
done now and part 3 of that day coming right up :)