Bloody Valentine

Will you marry me?

I walk back into Stephanie's room to see my poor babygirl had fallen asleep with a rose from one of her friends in her hand, the thorns piercing her hand.

I take the rose from her and kiss her hand in hopes to take the blood away from her when I hear her breathing.

"Sam? That you?"

"Yes, honey. I was just trying to get the blood off of your hand."

"Oh. I had blood on my hand?"

"Yes. Didn't you even realize that you fell asleep with a rose in your hand?"

"I don't even know where I got a rose from. One of the other guys must've put it in my hand and walked out before I could thank them for the lovely red rose."

"So you really love roses, huh Steph?"

"Yes, Sam. Very much so."

I smile at her and keep the ring box hidden behind my back, hoping she won't be able to know something is up with me.

"Come here, Sam. I want cuddles."

She holds her arms out to me and smiles a painful smile.

"I'll try to, honey. Just don't hurt yourself too much by moving a lot please. I need you."

I get onto the hospital bed with her and groan because of how bad my wounds are, and I look at her.

"Oh come on now, Sam. Let's face facts here. I'll always be the damsel in distress that you save. I honestly think right now, you would be better off without me, more now than before."

She turned her head away from me and sighed. I pull her face towards me and I kiss her lips ever so softly.

"I DO need you. Without you being right by my side, I think I would rather be dead then to be without you for one second of my life. You are the reason I'm so brave. You are my world. I love you, Stephanie Black."

"S-Sam..... I-I l-love y-you."

"I love you too, Stephanie Little."

"St-Stephanie Li-Little? Y-you d-don't me-mean..."

"Oh I'm pretty damn sure you know what I mean, babygirl."

I get off of the bed, get on one knee, grab out the box, and smile when I see Stephanie's eyes widen like crazy.

"Stephanie Black, will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the very last chapter of this book until I start making the sequel for this book. Thanks for reading, everyone. :D