Until You’re Mine

Chapter One- The Dream

Taylor laid asleep in his bed, deep in thoughts, dreams, fantasy. Every night, it was always about the same person, she was beautiful with tan skin tone, long black hair, sweet brown eyes. She was caring, sensitive, loving, tough, and beautiful. She was someone whom, Taylor always wanted. Every night went he would go to sleep; he got to be with her.
In his dream, Taylor was on the beach with his friends, when someone on a horse came galloping by, she look at him and smiled.
His eyes followed ‘til she was out of sight, his friends looked at him.
“Hey… Hello? Taylor…. Man what's up?” said Robert.
“Oh hey, sorry something caught my eyes”
“You mean that girl?” asked Kristen.
“Ha, yeah. She’s was so beautiful” Taylor was still a bit dazed. Her looks literally took his breath away.
Robert and Kristen only chuckled at Taylor. They went on with their day at the beach. Later on that night, there was a bond fire Taylor only hoped to see that girl again somewhere in the crowd of people. The music got too loud, Taylor only wanted to be alone for a few minutes, he began walking to the shore, when he saw a slim figure raise from the ocean water.
“Hi” he didn’t hesitant to say, he felt it, it was her, the girl from before.
“Hi” she smiled as she grabbed her towel, and wrapped it around herself. “I saw you earlier today”
“Ye-Yeah me too”
“Haha, you’re cute” She smiled, as his stuttering.
“I’m Taylor” he smiled at her.
Right when she was about to say her name, is when he would wake up. Taylor opened his eyes, looking up at the ceiling
He sighed, it was the same way every night, he would talk to his gorgeous girl, but never find out her name. Taylor would think about what her name could be, what would fit her? But he honestly couldn’t think of a single name for her.
Taylor would lay in bed, thinking about her, wondering if he would ever meet her. He would get so lost in his thought, he would lose track of time. His parents would come into his room, and telling to get ready for the day ahead. Taylor would get out of bed, fold his blankets, get out clean clothes, take a shower, brush his teeth, and go down stairs to make his own breakfast.
All he wanted to has to really be with this mystery girl. All he did was wonder about her, even when he was in class; she was all he could think about. He wondered if she was even real or just a figment of his imagination.