

Sitting in her bedroom behind the locked door, Bailey ran her fingers over the bruise already forming on her cheek. Darren had always been short tempered and she'd learned to live with his irascible nature, but this time he'd gone too far. Normally, she'd just ignore him. Half the time it angered him more, but if she walked away instead of staying to argue and provoke him further, she knew that eventually he'd calm down and apologize and swear to a God that he didn't even believe in that he was going to get help for his anger issues.

He never did.

Each and every time he vowed that he'd seek help and enter into an anger management program. He was always making promises that he never delivered on.

"I'll get help."

"It won't happen again."

Every time he said there wouldn't be a next time, she knew better. She knew that he wasn't going to get help because his stupid pride wouldn't allow him to. Somewhere inside his stubborn head he was convinced he could help himself and that he could change. Whenever she challenged him about getting help, his temper would just flare up again and another argument would ensue. It was a never ending cycle.

But she loved him.

She couldn't walk away and just leave him, but she couldn't deal with his outbursts anymore. She was going to give him an ultimatum.

Her bags were already packed by the time she emerged from the bedroom. She cast him a glance but said nothing as she carried them to the door and set them on the ground.

Darren looked up from his seat on the couch and creased his brow into a frown. "Where are you going?" His voice was calmer than she'd expected. Maybe he'd realized himself that his actions this time were just too much. He'd never physically hurt her before. There was no trace of anger in his eyes anymore. If anything, he looked afraid.

"I can't do it anymore, Darren," Bailey told him, shaking her head. She wanted to break down and cry again but she wouldn't allow herself to be weak in front of him. "You keep promising you'll do something to change but you never do. It just gets worse."

"Baby, I'm sorry," he said quickly, darting up from the couch and rushing over to her. "Don't leave me. Please. I'll get help, I swear."

"That's what you always-"

"I mean it this time."

She closed her eyes for a brief second and took a deep breath before looking up at him. Her blue eyes searched his brown ones for the truth. He was definitely afraid. He was scared to lose her and something told her that he was finally going to take the steps he needed to this time.

"Last chance," she whispered, and with the way she kept eye contact and seemed to stare deep into his soul, he knew that she meant it.