
It's too late...

Kevin's best friend Brittany was always there for him, no matter what. She was only 19 and he was 22. She wanted him more than anything in the world. One year they stopped talking. Things were so busy they hardly talked until December 9, 2009. Brittany finally told Kevin what she wanted to tell him years ago. But little did she know, Kevin was getting married in 10 days.

"Hey Kev" Brittany walked out of her room, into the living room.
"Oh hey Britt"
"Kevin, I really need to tell you something…" Brittany said sincerely.
Kevin pulled her down to sit on the couch, "What is it?"
"I love you" Brittany looked down, she felt ashamed.
"I love you too"
"No Kevin not like that. I mean I really do love you. More than a brother, more than a friend. You're the one that I always wanted, I-I just never could say it before"
"Oh um.. Brittany…I-I'm getting married" Kevin felt bad about telling Brittany, he knew she took it hard, just the look of her face could say it all.
Brittany fought the tears from falling, "Good for you" she got up and went outside, by this time tears were streaming down her face. She got in car, sat there crying, the one and only man she ever loved is getting married. It started to rain, Kevin ran out, knocked on Brittany's car window.
"Brittany please!"
Brittany got out, "Tell who it is"
"Who are you getting married to?"
"Danielle Deleasa"
"Okay, have a nice life with that slut Kevin" Brittany got back in her car, and drove off. Leaving Kevin in the raining.
Kevin got his iPhone out, dialed Brittany's number. Hoped, and prayed that she'd answer.
"Hello?" she asked.
"I'm sorry, I-I didn’t know Brittany"
"Kevin…It's too late to apologize" she hung up. By the time Brittany got home, she was weak from crying so much, she went inside and lay on the couch. Joe tried to call her a few times, Brittany just didn’t want to talk to anyone.
Brittany kept her phone off until December 19, 2009. When she turned it on, she had 200-text message from Kevin. 100 from Joe, and 50 from Nick. 400 missed calls, 14-voice mail.
"Damn." Brittany listened to very voice mail, all from Kevin. He kept apologizing, on every single voicemail it had the same thing, "Brittany, I'm so sorry. Please call me back"
Brittan, read every text message, then she got a new one from Nick.
Nick-Hey Britt, you feeling okay?
Brittany-not rly.
Nick-today is the wedding, Kevin kind of wants you there.
Brittany-I don’t think I will come at all. It'd be too hard.
Nick-Britt, Kevin feels really bad.
Brittany-Just tell him 'It's too late to Apologize. My heart is far too broken, beyond repair.'
Nick-you can tell him yourself, he just left to go to your house.

No more than 10 minutes, Kevin knocked on the door. Brittany didn’t want to answer it but she did anyway.
"Why are you ignoring my phone calls and text messages?"
"Hi to you too Kevin." Brittany walked away from the door, Kevin shut it, walking behind Brittany.
"Look, I really didn’t know you loved me like that. And we went our own ways, I fell in love with Danielle. I am truly sorry, I did love you"
"Kevin it's too late to apologize now. You've done your damage on my heart, please don’t make it worst. Today's your wedding, have fun." Brittany lightly pushed Kevin out her door.
Kevin left even though he didn’t want to he had to. At the wedding, Kevin seemed so unsure about marrying, Danielle.
All the memories of the days when he was sad and had no one to turn to Brittany was there, he started love Brittany all over again. But as she told him over and over again, it's too late to apologize.