Status: finito, home slices~~~~~~~~~~)$)$)$)$)$)$)$

I'll Be Your Silver, I'll Be Your Gold

Once Upon A Single Chapter

“Look, Dustin, I've told you this before, I don't want to get back together!” I exclaimed to the phone, as I was walking down the street. It was a nice day, so I had decided I'd walk, instead of drive. I was on my way to grab a quick bite to eat before work, when my ex-boyfriend, Dustin called me.

C'mon, babe, I love you. What I did was a mistake and I'm sorry, ok! Please, give me a second chance!” Dustin pleaded on the other end.

“No! I don't want to get back with you! If I did I would have when we were still friends, ok? Now leave me alone!” I yelled, quickly slamming my phone shut, not letting him respond. Dustin and I broke up over a month and a half ago, I don't know why he wanted to make things right suddenly. I had no intention of getting back with him, and he knew it. He knew what he did.

I turned the corner and walked down to the Subway that was on the street. I went there everyday for lunch on my way to work. I walked in to the restaurant, and stood in line. I was next in line when I heard my phone ringing. I answered it, without looking at the ID. Big mistake that was.

“Hello?” I asked the unknown person on the other side.

Alanna,” It was Dustin. “Look, I'm so sorry for earlier. I just miss you so much.” What a joke. “Please just let me try to make things right with you!

“Dustin, you had your chance, and you blew it! For the last time, stop calling me!” I closed my phone rather harshly. I quickly ordered my sub, and went to sit down, only to be greeted by a tall man behind me.

“I don't mean to invade, but was that a boyfriend you were just talking to?” The man asked me.

“No,” I started heading towards a table. “Ex-Boyfriend.” I sat down at a table, and he sat across from me.

“Oh! Well let me introduce myself then. I'm Ryan.” He stuck his hand out over the table. I was hesitant, but shook it anyways.

“I'm Alanna.” I smiled at him. I still didn't know why he was sitting here, but I didn't mind it. I took a bite of my sub while Ryan watched. I kept eying him while I ate.

“So, Alanna, going anywhere after this?” He asked, not taking an eye off me.

“Actually, yes. Once I'm finished, I'll be heading to work.” I answered, popping the last bit of sub in my mouth.

“Oh, and where's that?” He asked, smiling at me as I stood up to throw out my trash.

I smiled at him, “I work at a dentist office, I'm a secretary.” I said, heading for the door. Ryan opened the door for me, and we left the restaurant. “Where do you work?” I asked him as we headed down the street towards my work.

“I play hockey!” Ryan replied enthusiastically. “Do you watch hockey?”

“Oh, not really.” I smiled at him. We walked and talked for about 10 minutes, before the nice day turned dark.

“Uh oh...” Ryan said, staring up at the stormy sky.

“This isn't good.” I said, just as a drop of rain fell in front of me.

“How far until your work?” Ryan asked as the rain started to pick up.

“Another 10 or so minutes.” I answered. We started to walk faster towards my work; we didn't want to get soaked. Unfortunately, that tactic didn't work. We were about 5 minutes from my work when the sky lit up and the rain started pouring down.

“Shit!” Ryan exclaimed, laughing.

“Let's run!” I said, picking up pace. We both ran to my work, laughing and dancing on the way. I was having fun; I didn't want to go in to work. I was really enjoying my time with Ryan. I hardly knew him, but I was starting to like him. A lot. “Well, this is where I work.” I said, stopping by the front entrance.

“I guess this is where our fun ends, I guess.” Ryan stated, turning to me.

I smiled at him, “Well, for right now it is.”

Ryan smiled back at me, “Can I have your number... and maybe see you again?”

“Sure, I'd like that.” I said, taking his phone from him. I entered my number into his phone and handed it back to Ryan.

“Ok, I'll call you or text you or something.” He said, accepting his phone.

We stood there looking at each other until a loud clash of thunder broke our focus. I didn't want this moment to end, but I knew I had to go in to work.

“I've got to uh, go in to work now. It was nice meeting you, Ryan, and I look forward to seeing you again.” I said.

“I look forward to seeing you again, too, Alanna.” He said, smiling at me. He leaned in a kissed me on the cheek. “I'll see you soon.” He said, turning to go.

“See you soon!” I waved to him. I didn't go inside for a few moments. Instead, I watched him jog away.

I headed inside, only to be greeted by my friend, Theo. He stood there, staring at me with his arms crossed.

“What?” I asked him “I'm not late.” I stated. In fact, I was a few minutes early.

“Who was that you were with?” He asked, smiling at me smugly.

“Just someone I met...” I trailed off. Why did he care? I know Theo had a slight crush on me, but he didn't need to worry about the people I'm around?

“What's his name?” Gosh, he sounded like my mother.

“His name's Ryan... what's it to ya?” I asked him, getting annoyed.

“Nothing.” He said, walking away. I rolled my eyes and went to my desk.

I had been working for about 10 minutes before I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I knew I wasn't suppose to answer it during work, but we weren't busy, so I took a quick glace at it. I looked at the text from a number that I didn't have, and I figured it was from Ryan. I was right.

Hey Alanna, it's Ryan. How about you, me, dinner at 7 tonight?

I smiled to myself, and replied, “Sure, I'd like that :)

I hope tonight will be as great as earlier today was.
♠ ♠ ♠
PLOT TWIST: Dustin is Dustin Penner or the LA Kings.

you're welcome, Alanna ~ xoxo