Status: In Progress

If I'm James Dean You're Audrey Hepburn

Please Stay As Long As You Need

"Eliza Marie Clare Smith, Your mother is trying to speak to you and you are choosing to ignore her, now that is just rude and disrespectful, Listen to her this is important for your future with Kellin." My father decided to finally shout at me while we were eating dinner. He was right, I was ignoring my mother. And to be quite frank, she was talking complete and utter bullshit about me marrying a close friend of the family because in my family we have a tradition to have arranged marriages. My eldest brother, Michael is married to Sally, our parent's high school friends daughter. My 18 year old brother is getting married to Mary-Anne his best friend, they aren't in love with each other and they have both said to me that when they are 25 they are going to get a divorce anyway, so they can be with the ones they love instead. As for me, I'm just turning 21, and my parents are making me get married to Michael's best friend, he hates me but I quite honestly don't mind him. He only hates me because I walked in on him having sex with a random whore of the streets and went and told his then current girlfriend.

Apparently according to my parents we would make a lovely husband and wife. I, myself don't think so at all.

I stared at my mom and dad. "I was listening, I just blanked out because I was thinking about when Kellin and I were actually going to get married." My mom's face lightened up once she heard me saying Kellin. She got off her seat and walked over to the telephone in the living room.

My dad asked what my mom was doing, she replied back with a smile in her voice.
"Just calling The Quinn's to see if they want to come down for an hour or so." Just as my mother was about to call them, Michael, my brother walked into the house with the one person I did not want to see just yet. Kellin, my future husband walked in smiling at my mother and father but not at me, instead he snared at me.
"That is no way to look at your future wife is it, Kellin?" I smirked. My father smiled over at us two.
"Be nice you two!" I put my plate away in the sink and walked into the living room where Michael and Kellin were. I sat down next to my brother, scared that if I sat next to Kellin he'd hurt me.
Michael turned to me and Kellin and shook his head.

"You two need to learn how to get along, after all you are going to get married to each other and you have to live together. Mom wants this wedding to be perfect, and the only way for it to be perfect is for you guys to look happy and get along," His eyes softened at me and Kellin as he continued to speak. "I heard mom and dad speaking earlier, they said that you guys in the next two weeks will be living in this house together for 4 months by yourself as mom and dad are going on a 6 month cruise, the last two months that they are gone away, they are going to send some money over for you two to go away on holiday together in Italy or Spain to see if you two cope together by yourself in a different environment." Kellin stood up and walked into the kitchen, I heard him ask my mother if he could have a beer a few moments later a walked out of the kitchen with a can of fosters. He sat back down with a sigh.

Michael gave him a small nudge and Kellin sat down in front of me on the floor and put his hands on my knees. I looked down at his face, finding an answer to why he was currently sitting down in front of me holding onto me for no apparent reason.

"I normally wouldn't do this but my mom thinks this is a good idea and will help with us having a better," he choked on his words "relationship of some sort..." He stopped and took a deep breath. I rolled my eyes and kicked him in the leg. I gasped and glared at me.
"Hurry up, I haven't got all night." I demanded. Kellin sighed and continued to speak utter nonsense for a good 30 seconds before suddenly putting it straight out there.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know but the next one will be out in the next hour or so.
Story line is a bit shitty right now but I promise you it'll get better.