Status: In Progress

If I'm James Dean You're Audrey Hepburn

Honestly, I could sing you a song But I don't think words can express your beauty

I had to call my work place to tell them I felt ill so I couldn't come in today, Kellin had me in a death grip and he looked like he wasn't going to let me go anytime soon. Soon after I called my boss I feel back to sleep.

We both didn't wake up until two hours later and by the time I checked my phone I had 24 missed calls all from Michael most probably asking where I was and why I weren't in my bed last night.

Kellin was down stairs currently making something to eat for both of us so I decided to call my brother back up.

I only waited a few seconds for him to answer his phone.
"Eliza Marie - Claire Smith, where are you?" He sounded pissed off at me.
"I'm at Kellin's." I said ever so bluntly. I could hear him on the other side sigh in relief.
"Thank God... Wait. I thought you two weren't on good terms, why are you at his house?" He asked surprised. I sighed.
"When I got in last night you lot were in bed and I felt lonely so I decided to call Kellin up and tell him to come pick me up and he did so I sleep over at his. That a problem?"
"No, it isn't a problem. Just be safe." His voice was nervous and sounded like he was on edge.
I sighed, "I will, see you later."

He hung up on me but that didn't bother me, I was going to hang up on him but he beat me to it.
I walked down stairs still in the t - shirt Kellin gave me to wear to bed. It was comfortable and cosy, it also smelt of him. Vanilla and honey, like always.

I went up behind him quietly and tip-toed to his ear.
I made him jump out of his skin. He quickly turned around to face me.
"Don't ever do that to me again, Eliza." The way he said my name made my whole body tingle with excitement.
"I love the way you say my name..." I said too quietly I didn't even hear myself say it.
"You still want to go on that date tonight?" He asked me nicely while grabbing hold of my shoulders for no reason what so ever.
I smiled at him.
"Sure, why not?" We both smiled at each other for a while and then Kellin carried on with making some breakfast. Pancakes I think we were having.

I sat down on the little island in the middle of the kitchen just watching what he was doing.

He never answered my question last night. My mood dropped completely once I realized that we were only being nice and friendly to each other because we were going to get married and our parents wanted us to get along. I don't know why but it kind of broke my heart a tiny bit.

"Hope you like Pancakes." I could hear Kellin smile as he spoke. I fake smiled.
"I do." I said quietly to myself. I couldn't stop thinking about what will happen when we are married, we will have to do all the couple things couples do when they are in love. But that is the thing, Kellin and I aren't in love. Nor will we ever be.

For some reason the thought of Kellin not loving me made me feel sick. Literally sick to the stomach and I have no idea why. I wasn't going to admit to myself just yet that I maybe might have feelings towards Kellin because I wasn't quite sure that I did.

I am confused about the whole situation. Do I like him or don't I like him? I just can't tell at the moment. Part of me is saying that I do like him more than a friend but then the other part of me is saying that I can't like him, he hates me but I'm not so sure he does anymore. I mean come one look at all the signs, He is letting me go on a date with him and he is going to take me to his secret place that nobody knows about to where he goes to think about things and to clear his head, he is letting me sleep around his house in the same bed as him while cuddling up to him at night. No guy that hates you does that to a girl that they hate with their guts.
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Short again, I know but oh well at least I am actually updating and getting chapters out regularly unlike my other stories on here.

Next one will be out soon