Seduction in Blood


-September 1800-

“Father’s looking for you, Ethan,” Darrien said, climbing up into their old treehouse they played in when they were kids. The old wood creaked as nineteen year old walked across the floor. By the window that outlooked over the large vineyards, Ethan sat with his blond hair combed back neatly with an empty bottle of wine in his hand. “You can’t stay mad at him forever.” Darrien sat across from his brother on an old log stump they converted into a chair. Ethan only snickered at his brother and turned to look at him.

“If she was your girlfriend...” Ethan trailed off in a barely audible tone. Darrien sighed softly and leaned back against the boarded wall. “I just think he sometimes wishes I was someone else, someone other than his son. You are everything he and mother wants.” Ethan had a look of distaste on his face and lifted the bottle of wine up to eye level. His fingers gently brushed over the label on the bottle.

“You know that isn’t true, father and mother love you.” Darrien watched his brother laugh and throw the empty bottle of wine at the wall. The glass shattered under the pressure and littered the floor. Shaking his head, Darrien watched his brother stand up and glare at him. “Ethan.”

“I’ve had enough, let them have their golden boy. I’ll rid them of the problem,” Ethan hissed, going over to the ladder of the treehouse. As he began to climb down the steps, Darrien got up and walked over to the window. He looked down at the vineyards and saw his brother taking off down the aisles of open space. Closing his eyes, Darrien shook his head once again and walked over to the wood ladder. He climbed down and hopped onto the ground, looking at the sun slowly setting over the vineyards.

“Where has he taken off to?” a voice, heavy in an English accent, spoke from behind. Darrien whirled around and saw Virgil Woodridge, the English adventurer and writer. His hair was covered by a black top hat, his body clad in beige pants and a long royal blue tailed coat, and his boots were perfectly polished. Darrien on the other hand was like a poor beggar, dressed up in a tattered white shirt and dark brown mud stained pants, his feet were bare from having squashing grapes all afternoon.

“I could not tell you,” Darrien replied honestly with a small frown. “He admires you, Mr. Woodridge. He wants to travel the world and experience the cultures beyond our reach.”

“That adventure begins with one simple step,” Virgil replied with a chuckle, putting his hands behind his back. “Your father has expressed that Ethan is a handful and wants nothing to do with this life.”

“My twin is opposite of me, I am quite pleased with this life. Mr. Woodridge, may I ask a favor of you?” Darrien asked softly, looking at the handsome englishman.

“Of course,” Virgil said with one nod.

“Take my brother with you,” Darrien said simply, looking out at the miles and miles of grape vines, wrapped tightly around wooden beams.

“Are you sure that is best for him?” Virgil asked with a quirked brow. Darrien licked his lips and nodded, assuring Virgil that it was the best for everyone. Dark eyes met rich blue ones, Virgil bowed slightly and started walking towards the vineyards. He stopped after a few steps and turned back to face Darrien. “You may never see him again.”

“At least I’ll know he will no longer be miserable here,” Darrien replied with a shrug. Smiling slightly, Virgil turned on his heels and lifted a white gloved hand in the air as he walked down towards the vineyards. Darrien watched him go and closed his eyes, their parents would be disappointed, heartbroken, but above all they would miss him. Though Darrien wouldn’t admit it out loud, even he would miss is annoying, outgoing, jokester of a brother. “Farewell brother, hopefully you’ll find a life worth living beyond father’s reach.”

As he started walking the other way with the sun at his back, Darrien thought back to all the times he and his brother played around the vineyards. They were the best of friends, partners in crime, and now those days would be over. It was for the best, Ethan never wanted to work in the family business, he always had this sense of adventure and wildness to him. He was always the outspoken one, always getting into trouble and Darrien was the one who’d bail him out of the mess he created. Laughing a bit, Darrien shook his head and looked straight up towards the golden skies and wished his brother luck.

The wind blew the early fall air that turned the leaves into their warm shades of red and orange. Darrien came to the top of the small rolling hill and overlooked his parents home. He wouldn’t tell them of Ethan’s departure, he would just wait until they found out on their own. By the time that happened, Virgil and Ethan would be long gone. Darrien saw his mother watering her flowers that sat in front of the windows of their house. She would be heartbroken, but she would let it go after a few days. Their father probably would not show any emotion, but on the inside even he would break.
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Short chapter, but I would still like some feedback.
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