‹ Prequel: Ana
Sequel: Relearning Laura

The "You're Not Fat" Campaign

Ring Around The Rosy

The Stevenson kids are all painfully adorable. They have silky pale blonde hair and enormous eyes the color of cornflowers. Seven-year-old Becca rules the roost. She's bossy and charismatic, with a vivid imagination and a stubborn streak a mile wide. Six-year-old twins Lanie and Maya are polar opposites of each other, Lanie being loud and talkative, Maya being shy and reserved. Four-year-old Kyle is the sweetest, most precious child I have ever babysat.

I am babysitting today. They are playing Ring Around The Rosy, their cornsilk hair fluttering. I sit on the couch, watching the four little kids play and remembering back to the days when I was that innocent. When the only worry I had was which swing I got on the playground or which square my pebble landed on during hopscotch.

I miss that innocence.

I miss the days before I knew that Ring Around The Rosy was about death.

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.