Status: Slowly progressing :) School started so I'll try weekly updates when possible ;)

What's So Good About Picking Up The Pieces?

3) Tourist History

The tour the four boys gave me around Baltimore was interesting to say the least, it was actually amusing for the most part. I enjoyed seeing the boys interact; they seemed to have known each other for a long time. They always bickered about the littlest of things, especially Jack and Alex. They’d argue about which sports’ team was better, which band was better live, or even which teacher was hotter. I learned quickly that Zack was the most like me; quiet and only talking when needed, but he still had a good humor regardless. Rian was most definitely the mature one of the group. He seemed to have some sort of magic powers that kept both Alex and Jack from getting too crazy, especially Jack. Jack was the opposite of me. He practically had no brain to mouth filter and said almost anything that was on his mind, but he's a great person, always looking out for those close to him. I swear he was dropped on his head as a kid or something though, because when we went to the park, he started chasing after these chipmunks that had mouths full of nuts. It was fucking hilarious! I’ve never seen someone so hyped up by just seeing a bunch of chipmunks, but that’s Jack, he wasn’t a normal kid. And then there was Alex. He was sort of in the middle of everyone’s personalities. There were times where he was just as loud as Jack, and others where he’d sort of space out as if he were in his own little world, and I often wondered what he’d think about. He was also the kindest and cutest of the four boys.

By the time the tour was over, we’d stopped by the Guitar Center to look at some stuff. I found my way to where they kept the Gibson guitars and picked up and acoustic and began playing a tune that I’d been playing in my head for a while.

“I’d like to stop watching myself bleed
But it’s the way I cope with everything
I’d like to see a difference made in me
But it’s so hard I can barely breathe

I held up the blade that held so many memories
So close to my skin, igniting the sparks
And I know it isn’t worth it, but I need a way to feel
I need to drop the knife and run away from here

I know I can’t do this to myself
Yet the urge is so hard to beat
And I know this isn’t good for me
I need to find my own muse

I held up the blade that held so many memories
So close to my skin, igniting the sparks
And I know it isn’t worth it, but I need a way to feel
I need to drop the knife and run away from here

But it’s so hard I can barely breathe
But it’s so hard I can barely breathe
But it’s so hard I can barely breathe
But it’s so hard I can barely breathe

I held up the blade that held so many memories
So close to my skin, igniting the sparks
And I know it isn’t worth it, but I need a way to feel
I need to drop the knife and run away from here”

“Did you write that?” I heard Alex ask from behind me, causing me to jump.

“Yea,” I replied, looking into his eyes, “I did write it. You like it?”

“Of course I do! That was fucking amazing! I have to tell the guys!”

“No!” I said, noticing the hint of hurt in his eyes, “It’s just that… you’re the only one who knows I write songs, and I’d like to keep it that way…”

“It’s fine,” he chuckled, “What’s it about anyway? You don’t cut yourself do you?”

“No,” my voice wavered, “I-I-I just knew this g-girl that did…”

“Oh ok… It’s really good, honest! We should write together sometime! The boys and I are actually in a band together! We could use an extra head!

“That’d be great!” I exclaimed, “What are you guys called?”

“All Time Low!” he said, puffing up his chest with pride, “We hope to get signed one day! You should come to practice tomorrow! I’d love to know what you think!”

“Brilliant! You guys are too kind to me!” I said nervously.

“Nonsense! You are our new best friend after all!” he said as I blushed.

As soon as he said that though, we heard a loud CRASH! followed by several voices screaming “RUN DAMMIT! RUN!” followed by Jack, Zack and Rian running past us and out the door, so naturally we ran after them as well.

“What the fuck happened?!” I managed to breathe once we’d reached the sidewalk.

“Jack tripped onto the goddamn drum kit!” Rian laughed.

“NOT MY FAULT THEY LEFT THE DRUM STICKS ON THE FLOOR!” Jack shouted as I heard a beeping noise.

“We should get going guys,” said Alex as he looked at his phone, “my mom said that dinner’s ready.”

FOOD! FUCK YEA!” Jack shrieked as we laughed at his immaturity.

We walked back to Alex’s place in silence. Not one of those awkward silences though, more of those comfortable ones, the ones where nothing really needed to be said.

When we got back, we ran to kitchen, practically dying of hunger, immediately eating what was on our plates.

“Good to see you guys are hungry enough to not say hi!” both my mother and Isobel exclaimed.

“Hi Mom!” Alex and I said at the same time, mouths full of food.

“Hi Isobel! Hi Helen!” the other three boys shouted.

Our mothers just laughed at out hunger and began to eat as well when I noticed a tall man walk into the room.

“Good evening,” he said with an Essex accent just like Isobel’s, but deeper, “you must be Nicki, Helen’s daughter.” I simply nodded “I’m Alex’s father, feel free to call me Peter. Glad to see you’ve made friends with the boys. I must warn you though, they are quite the handful!”

“I know,” I replied, “I just spent half the day with them!”

“And now you’re gonna spend the rest of the night with us, too!” Jack interjected.

“What do you mean?” asked my mother.

“Can Nicki sleepover with us tonight mom? We’re gonna have movie night again!” said Alex

“Of course, just as long as it’s okay with Helen.” Isobel said, glancing at my mom.

My mom hesitated for a bit before replying, “Sure! She hasn’t had a sleepover since elementary! I think it’ll be good for her!”

“FUCK YES!” the four boys shouted.

“Language…” said Isobel

They looked down at their plates, mumbling “Sorry…” before eating again.

After dinner I went back home to change and pack my things and within ten minutes I was back at the Gaskarths’ knocking on their front door.

I was greeted by the boys already changed and jumping in excitement.

“I didn’t expect you to be so quick!” Zack said, “I mean, on a typical day, Alex takes at least an hour and a half to get ready!”

Alex shouted “HEY!” and proceeded to smack him upside the head as I giggled.

We then walked up to Alex’s room and it was just as I expected it to be, messy and filled with posters. It reminded me of Quinn’s room, and I felt a stray tear fall down my face. I wiped it away before anyone could see, although I did catch a glance from Alex.

This is going to be a long night, I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Two Door Cinema Club <3

Hi :) I'm so sorry it took me over a week to update, and I'm really sorry it's kinda shitty! I was REALLY fucking busy, I had my aunt's wedding and school started. This means updates might not be frequent since my writing focus is now on my English class, but I'll do my best to make it every weekend or so! Also, please note that the lyrics in this chapter are solely MINE, so please don't copy them, plagiarism sucks major dick. Please don't be a silent reader either! I really care about what you guys think! Also, I don't have an exact plot outlined, so if you guys have any ideas about what YOU think should happen, don't be afraid to comment, I appreciate every single one of them! Also, what did you guys think of the song? I worked hard on those lyrics so I'd love to know what you think. I already have the melody figured out and stuff, but I'm too much of a pussy to show it to anyone, and you guys are the first to see it :P

FUN FACT! I play a lot of instruments, but my three main ones are violin, guitar, and drums. I've played the guitar for 5 years, violin for 1 year, and the drums for 2 months, but I'm supposedly a fast learner so yea... I can also sing but I think I kinda suck and everyone makes fun of me when I do, which makes me kinda sad since it's what I love to do... oh well :P