Status: Just beginning!

All I See Scares Me

So it was four or five of everything

I didn’t recognize the person in front of me.

His skin looked aged, and he was a ghostly white color.

He was thinner, which is saying a lot for his already skinny frame.

I couldn’t bear to look at this stranger hooked up to various machines.

This was not my best friend.

-2 Years ago-
“Leighton, why are we on the roof?” I asked as he helped me out of his bedroom window and onto his roof.

“Quit worrying Dakotah, just trust me, okay?”

I looked up into his green eyes, and he gave me a crooked smile.

I sighed and let him lead me out onto the roof.

He sat and pulled me down next to him.

“Leighton-“ He covered my mouth and just pointed up.

I looked up and noticed the clear Arizona night sky in all of its beauty.

Leighton removed his hand from my mouth as I turned to grin at him.
“It’s beautiful.” I said.

“I thought you might like it.” He grinned back at me.

He returned his attention to the sky, as did I.

I laid my head onto his shoulder and he put an arm around my waist, and we stayed like that for what seemed like forever.

I turned and ran out of the room, tears were welling up in my eyes and I couldn’t take it.

I collapsed into a chair in the waiting room before feeling an arm on my shoulder.

“Hey, Dakotah, he’s going to be just fine, alright? Just fine.”

I stood up and wrapped myself in John’s arms, sobbing, and soaking his white v-neck t-shirt in the process.

My older brother held me there for probably an hour, rubbing circles on my back.

-Earlier that day-
“HA! Take that Patrick!” I shouted, raising my controller in victory.

“NO WAY! YOU CHEATED!” Pat retaliated.



“Hey, hey, hey, shut up you two. Pat, you lost, just admit your defeat so I can beat Dakotah.” Garrett said as he separated us.

“Ha, I’d like to see you try Nickelsen!” I laughed.

“Alright, let’s make this a bet, shall we? If I win, you have to have an all-day Star Wars marathon with me!” He smirked.

“And if I win?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“You can finally draw me.”

“DEAL!” I grinned, clapping my hands together.

The race was close, very close. I was in the lead, cruising my way down rainbow road, when I heard it.

Before I had time to act it was too late. The red shell hit me.

“NOOOOOOO!” I shouted as if I was actually falling into space as Toad was doing on the screen.

“YESSSS! So when do you wanna have that marathon Dakotah?”

“Garrett…Daniel… Nickelsen…” I said on the prowl getting ready for attack, my controller still in hand.

Garrett was backing up, hands up in defense when John walked onto the bus, his phone to his ear.

“Alright, we’ll be there soon Craig.” He said before hanging up.

“What’s up John?” Pat said, his attention suddenly torn away from my almost attack on Garrett.

“Leighton’s in the hospital.” He quietly said.

I froze.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! First chapter! I'm so excited for this story, I haven't really come across any Leighton Antelman stories, so I thought I should write one myself. I'm sorry the switching time frames are a little confusing, the past was originally italicized but it didn't show up here :\
Comments would be very much appreciated guys, they'll definitely encourage me to write more!
The next chapter will get into Dakotah's past with Leighton, and the reason why he's in the hospital.

Dakotah's outfit