Status: Chapter 2 is up! Introduction of Beau!

Stay Still

Save me, I'm looking in from the outside

“JUSTIN HILLS YOU BETTER NOT BE JOKING RIGHT NOW!” I yelled dropping my camera bag.

“I’m not, I swear. Kellin and the guys really liked your stuff that I showed them, they want you to come with us to Warped!”

I ran up and hugged my best friend, my wonderful best friend.

“Jules… JULIETT YOU’RE SQUEEZING ME TO DEATH!” Justin choked out.

I let go of him and blushed with embarrassment. “Sorry Justin, I’m just so excited!”

He laughed one of his cute Justin laughs and walked up to me.

“I know, it’s adorable.” He leaned in closer “You know, you really owe me for this.” He touched my nose and looked me in the eyes.

I felt a blush creep its way back to my cheeks, making Justin smile.

Just then his phone rang, and the sounds of Pierce The Veil’s “Bulletbroof Love” filled the air.

He frowned and turned away, and answered his phone with a slightly irritated voice. “Yes Kellin?”

I couldn’t help but giggle.

♡ ♡ ♡

The next morning we were off to Salt Lake City for the first Warped Tour date.

I was rudely woken up that morning by Justin and Kellin jumping on my bed.

The bus was surprisingly spacious. My bunk was over Justin’s and across from Kellin’s. Under Kellin’s was Gabe’s. Then Jack had the bunk over Jesse’s.

I wanted to spend this first two hours or so catching up on sleep, but Justin insisted that I hangout with him.

“Come onnn Jules, sleeping’s for the weak!”

“Well I guess that makes me weak.” I said, and turned to escape to my bunk.

But of course, it wasn’t that easy.

Justin grabbed my arm, “Pleaseee hangout with me Juliett. Please?” he made a puppy dog face, putting on his best pout.

“Nooo! Not the puppy dog face!” I covered my eyes.

He took this to his advantage and tackled me to the floor.

“HAHA! Gotcha!” He grinned from over me.

“Justinnn, get off of me!” I yelled.

Kellin decided to make an appearance right at this moment.

“Whoa! Am I interrupting something?” He laughed, taking in the scene of Justin awkwardly pinning me to the ground.

“YES! Now do you mind!?” Justin joked, winking at me. I just shook my head.

Kellin laughed and headed back towards the front of the bus, leaving us in the back lounge.

“Justin, please can you get off of me now?” I tried again.

“Nope, not until you agree to hangout with me.” He smiled.

I let out a sigh and tried to blow some of the hair out of my face.

Justin leaned down and pushed the strand I was trying to move behind my ear.

We locked eyes for a moment, making us both blush.

He smiled down at me and I laughed. “Fine, I’ll hangout with you.”

♡ ♡ ♡

We ended up playing Uno in my bunk for like an hour until eventually we both fell asleep.

A few hours later we were awoken by Gabe opening the curtain to my bunk, letting in the harsh rays of the sun.

“Aw, how cute. Guys, come look at Justin and Juliett!”

Kellin, Jack, and Jesse came over to see what all the fuss was about. There was a chorus of “Awww” when they reached my bunk.

I finally decided to open my eyes to see what they were talking about.

As it turns out, I was wrapped up in Justin’s arms. Huh, I don’t remember falling asleep like this…

“Um, right so I just came to tell you that we’re gonna be in Salt Lake City in about 5 minutes.” Gabe said as the boys dispersed.

I noticed that my cuddle buddy was still asleep, so I decided to wake him up.

“Justin. Justinnn. Justin!” He opened his eyes and confusingly looked around. Then he noticed our position and blushed scarlet red.

“Oh, um, sorry…” He released me.

I hopped down from my bunk and stretched as he looked on.

I laughed, “Hey, it’s fine. Did you sleep well?”

He smiled at me. “Perfect, actually.”

I couldn’t help but smile back at him, “Me too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo, originally, this was just going to be plain and simple a Beau Bokan story, but I've decided to make it a little more interesting and throw in some Justin Hills as well :) But yeah, this is the first chapter, not very exciting, I know, but you always need to have kind of an introductory chapter. This one gives you an idea of Justin and Juliett's relationship (It also introduces you to Kellin Cockblock Quinn), and the basic storyline.

Comments would be very much appreciated! They encourage me to write more, guys!

Next chapter will introduce Justin's competition, otherwise known as the lovely Beau Bokan! :)

Juliett's outfit