Status: Chapter 2 is up! Introduction of Beau!

Stay Still

Save me, as water fills my lungs

-Beau’s perspective-

It’s day one of Warped, and I’m eager to be preoccupied for the summer.

We had just finished setting up merch, and our set wasn’t for hours, so Eric and I decided to walk around the venue.

“Man, I’m stoked for this summer.” He said, a grin plastered on his face.

“Same, man. It’s gonna be a blast with this year’s lineup.” I agreed.

We walked along, talking more about who were excited to see and whatnot, when I bumped into someone.

“Wayyy to go, Beau.” Eric laughed.

I shot him a glare, and bent down to help the victim of my latest clumsy encounter.

“Aw man, I’m really sorry about that. Wasn’t watching where I was going.” I apologized holding out my hand.

The girl graciously accepted my help and I pulled her up, Eric grabbed her bag off the ground.

“A camera bag? Are you a photographer?” He asked.

I face-palmed at his stupid question.

“Yeah, I’m here with Sleeping With Sirens. My name’s Juliett DeSantis.” She smiled. She had a beautiful smile.

I took in the rest of her appearance for the first time. She had long wavy brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. She was on the pale side, and was average height. She was gorgeous, to say the least.

“Well, Juliett the photographer, I’m Eric Lambert. I play guitar for Blessthefall. And this idiot here who knocked your pretty little self onto the ground is our singer, Beau Bokan.”

I shoved Eric and apologized for the second time, “Again, I’m really sorry about knocking you over.”

“It’s fine, I’m okay.” She laughed.

“Let me make it up to you, how about we get you a photo-pit pass for our set later?” I offered.

“That’d be great, but you really don’t have to do that.”

“I insist.” Truth be told, I really just wanted to see this beautiful girl again.

“Alright. Just have it dropped off at Sleeping With Sirens’ merch table.”

“Great. Well I guess I’ll see you later, Juliett.” I grinned at her.

“I guess you will, Beau.” She smiled that beautiful smile of hers.

“BYEEE JULIETT!” Eric called as we turned our separate ways.

She giggled, and shouted back “BYEEE ERIC!”

“Dude, she totally wants me.” He whispered as we walked away.

I scoffed, “Right. And she’s coming to our set later JUST for you…”

“Hey, I can’t help it that I’m just irresistible.” He shrugged.

♡ ♡ ♡

It was time for our set, and I couldn’t wait to see Juliett again.

I looked out into the crowd, but there was no sign of her yet.

“Whatcha doing Beau?” Jared asked.


I threw my hand over his mouth “Shut up man! What if she hears you!?”

“Oooh, Beau’s got a new girlfriend?” Elliot teased.

“No! She’s not my girlfriend!”

“Yeah, she’s just this chick he tackled to the ground earlier.”

“ERIC! I didn’t tackle her! I just accidentally ran into her when I wasn’t paying attention…”

“Aw, Beau. Again!?” Matt said, walking over.

“I know… But she’s really nice and I gave her a photo pit pass to make up for it. She should be here any time now.”

“Aw, he likes her!” Elliot laughed.

“Is she hot!?” Jared asked.

“Dude, she’s smoking hot. And she totally wants me and all my ginger goodness.” Eric replied.

I smacked him upside the head.

“OW! Dude, what was that for!?”

“Dude, don’t talk about her that way!”

Just then someone cleared their throat. I turned around and there she was.

“Oh, um, hey Juliett.” I greeted her nervously, wondering how much she had heard.

“Hey, so should I just set my stuff up over there…?” She asked, motioned towards the side of the barriers where the security guards stood.

“Yeah, right there is perfect.”

“Alright, well have a good show!” She smiled, turning away.

“Get ready to have your world rocked!” I shouted.

Oh god, did I really just say that?

“Dude, did you really just say that?” Matt asked.

I face-palmed.

♡ ♡ ♡

We opened with “Hey Baby, Here’s That Song You Wanted”, and the crowd seemed to be going nuts.

I admit, I was on my A-game, hoping to impress Juliett and give her some good photos, I told the guys to do the same.

I exchanged a few glances with her as the set went on, and she gave me a few smiles, sending my stomach into knots.

It was the last song of our set, “Promised Ones” when I glanced over to Juliett.

I was surprised to see her standing with a guy. Who was this dude?

We ended the song and said goodbye to our fans. “Hope you had fun with us, stay hydrated! We’ll be doing a signing in about 10 minutes at our merch table, come hangout!”

We ran offstage to grab some water and some towels to mop our sweaty selves off.

Once I felt a little less gross, I headed out to see Juliett. She was still with that guy.

“Hey Juliett! Enjoy the show?” I grinned at her.

“It was awesome Beau! I think I got some great shots!” She smiled in return.

I glanced at the guy standing beside her.

“Oh, how rude of me! Beau, this is my best friend Justin. Justin, this is Beau.” She introduced us.

“What’s up man? Justin Hills, I play bass in Sleeping With Sirens.” He held out his hand to me.

I shook his hand, “Sweet man, I’ll have to check out your guys’ set sometime. I’m Beau Bokan, and as you can see I’m the singer for Blessthefall.” I laughed.

“Well glad to meet you Beau. We actually have our set in about an hour, you should come check us out after your signing!”

“Sounds awesome. I’ll see you guys then! Well, I’d better get over to the merch tent, the guys are probably waiting for me.” I said goodbye, and headed over to merch.

Best friend Justin, huh? Well the look in his eyes when she introduced him that way tells me he wants to be more than friends with our dear Juliett.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2! I just couldn't help myself, ha. So Beau is introduced in this chapter, as are the rest of Blessthefall. So what do you guys think, Team Justin or Team Beau? :)

Comments are really appreciated guys! They encourage me to write! So the more comments and subscribers I get, the sooner i'm likely to put up another chapter!

No new outfit for Juliett because it's the same day as the last chapter.