Status: Complete

Have Faith

Only One

Anna smoothed her floral patterned dress and smiled at all of the people passing by her. She took her usual seat front and center. Every Sunday she attended this same church and it had become like a second home to her. She had gotten to know all of the regular members so well that they were practically family to her.

The church wasn’t a fancy building by all means. It didn’t have stained glass murals or crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. The building could be traced back hundreds of years. The history in it was rich. The old pews with the peeling paint would creek when you sat down and the fans didn’t always work on those hot summer days like today but it was lovely all the same. In Anna’s opinion it was beautiful.

Over the years she had seen many events at the church. She had witnessed everything from bingo nights to baptisms to weddings. Someday she hoped to have her own wedding at the church. Now that she was nearing the age of thirty in just a few years, her mother was pressuring her more and more to meet a man and settle down. Though Anna was eager to finally have a husband she didn’t worry about it too much. She told her mother to have faith. She felt comforted knowing God had a plan for her and was saving a wonderful man just for her. She knew she would someday meet her soul mate and have a family but it would all be in God’s time.

Anna trusted that everything would happen when it was supposed to. Everything happened for a reason and good things come to those who have patience. She certainly wasn’t expecting to meet her future husband on this very day in church of all places.

She was so busy finding the planned bible verses the sermon would be about and fanning herself with the program that she didn’t even notice the man approaching her. He smiled at her handsomely. He was wearing a wheat colored suit jacket, a white button down shirt, and a blue tie that brought out the color of his eyes. “Hello,” he said. “I’ve never been here before and I was wondering, is this seat taken?”

For a moment she found it almost difficult to speak. Then she nodded, trying to collect herself. “No, go ahead,” she said.

He sat down beside her close enough that she could smell the enticing scent of his cologne. It wasn’t so strong that it was overbearing but it was very masculine. “My name’s Liam and I just moved here. My mother’s getting quite elderly and I want to be close to her now so that I can help her.”

Anna thought that was simply the sweetest thing. It wasn’t exactly easy to come by such genuinely kind and caring men. She noticed his very slight accent…most likely Irish. “My name’s Anna,” she introduced herself, holding out her hand.

He shook her hand politely, smiling dazzlingly again. He had a good strong grip. Just then the Pastor walked in and the church organ chimed, signifying the start of the day’s events. She stayed quiet and tried to focus on the Sermon but her eyes kept wandering back to Liam. She hoped he didn’t notice her staring. He seemed very intent on the Pastor. She wasn’t usually so easily entranced by a man she barely knew but she found she couldn’t help herself. Liam seemed so different…and being so handsome only added to his appeal.

On the way out of church she didn’t even realize she had lost one of her earrings until Liam ran after her. “You forgot this,” he held out his open hand. In his palm was a yellow crystal earring.

She felt herself blushing then. “Thank you for bringing it to me. I didn’t even realize I lost it.”

“No problem at all. I wouldn’t want you leaving behind such a pretty earring,” he started reaching up and she realized with a shock that he was trying to put the earring back in her ear. She thought about stopping him and just taking it herself but that might seem rude. He had been kind enough to return it to her so she didn’t want to risk offending him over something as silly as putting an earring on. “It really suits you,” he said after securing the earring in its rightful place.

“You think so?” she asked. “They were a gift.”

He nodded. “Pretty earrings for a pretty young lady like yourself. A perfect match if I do say so myself.”

She was really blushing now. It wasn’t every day that a handsome man told her she was pretty. She only usually heard it from her few close friends and her family and while that’s always nice it’s expected of them. This certainly wasn’t expected. “Thank you, you’re too kind.”

“I’ll see you next Sunday then, yes?”

“Yes, I’ll be there,” she went to her car smiling.

The next Sunday when he didn’t show up she was disappointed. She scolded herself for being sad that he hadn’t shown. After all, they really didn’t know each other well. People came in and out of the church on a fairly regular basis. But part of her had really been hoping to see him again and she wondered why he was missing. She hoped it wasn’t something she had said that made him feel uncomfortable. She reviewed the events of last week but found no red flags in her behavior. She shrugged it off in the end. It was no major loss she told herself if the guy never showed up again.

Almost a whole week passed before she decided that it was time to get out with her friends. Back when she was in college she had really loved having girls nights with her pals. They would go shopping and paint each other’s nails. Then they would spend the whole night dancing away. Now that they were older the outings had become more rare.

She was pleased to hear that her friends were up for the fun. She went to her closet and stared at all of her outfit options. She finally settled on a cute blue and white striped sundress and sandals. She pulled her hair back in a playful ponytail, grabbed her hand bag, then gave a quick check of her light make up. Just a hint of blush, some lipstick and mascara would do just fine. The doorbell rang and she hurried to greet her friends with hugs and laughs.

“It’s been too long since we’ve done this,” one told her.

“I agree,” she nodded.

“Have you seen my engagement ring?” another showed off the rather large diamond on her ring finger.

“It’s gorgeous! I’m really happy for you,” Anna beamed at her friend.

“When are you going to settle down with a guy?”

“Someday when the time is right,” she shrugged. “I have faith.”

The girls rolled their eyes at her and they headed to her car.

The little club was pretty full of people that night. All of the people were of various ages and wearing all kinds of different fashions. Some were single and busy ordering themselves fruity drinks while others danced with their significant others. Anna indulged in a beverage for herself as she caught up on lost time with her friends.

As the night wore on her friends suggested a new idea. “Why don’t you go try some Karaoke?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” she shook her head.

“C’mon,” they encouraged. “You used to love it!

“Okay,” she laughed then headed for the stage. She grabbed the microphone and picked her favorite pop song off the screen. She sang like no one was watching and it turned out to be great fun.

When she came off the little stage she bumped right into a gentleman. “I’m sorry,” she apologized automatically.

He turned then and her eyes widened when she recognized him. “That’s alright Anna. Nice job singing by the way.”

“Oh…” she was so embarrassed that he had seen her attempting karaoke and that she practically knocked him over on her way back to her friends.

“I didn’t expect to see you here,” he admitted. “I guess even the church women around here still know how to have a good time.”

“I try my best,” she tried to joke. “I didn’t see you at Church last Sunday. I hope everything’s alright.”

“My mother wasn’t feeling well so I stayed with her but she’s doing fine now,” he explained.

“I’m glad to hear she’s alright.”

“Thanks,” he smiled.

They spent the rest of her time at the club talking and getting to know each other as her friends watched with amused grins.

“You look beautiful. I almost though this day would never come,” Anna’s friend tells her, tucking a strand of her hair into place.

“I knew it would,” Anna smiled at her reflection in the mirror. In this fancy white dress with her hair pinned up in a bun she felt just like a Princess. This day had finally arrived and it was worth the wait. “I always had faith.”

“It’s time now. It’s your day. We’re so happy for you,” her friends hugged her then she headed for the aisle.

As she walked down the aisle of the familiar church all eyes were on her. Her family and her friends all looked on happily. She felt tears of joy in her eyes, threatening to run down and ruin her makeup. She gazed forward and met the eyes of Liam waiting for her at the altar. He smiled proudly and she felt her heart swelling. This was perfect. She finally was getting her happy ending, not ending though…it was just the beginning of a wonderful life shared with her soul mate. She knew that they would start a family and maybe adopt a few pets along the way and that it would all happen in God’s time. God certainly did have great plans for her. Her patience paid off. Her faith had been rewarded. ‘Thank you God,’ she thought. She really was blessed.
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I hope this makes you happy Anna and I hope I didn't mess it up too bad. About 1,700 words. Sorry I used a random layout. It's One in the morning so I didn't have the time or the energy to make a special one.