Foul Temptations

I Have the Most Reckless Heart When I Try

My heartbeat quickens as I flick the wheel of the lighter. I shelter it from the wind with a cupped hand, ignite the end of my choice of suicide. It's a slow way to go, but it'll be more painful in the end. Exactly the kind of treatment that I know I deserve.

The falling ash paints the sidewalk, tells the story of my life and where I let it go off the rails into this ditch, this fucking rut. I smear it all away with the toe of my sneaker, shiver and pull my sweatshirt closer around my body. It's too thin, doesn't protect against the sharp bite of the wind.

Smoke rolls down my throat, blooming into my lungs and blackens them without a second thought.

The sea in my mind is calm...for now, anyway.