Less Than Perfect


More than a few tempers were being pushed to the edge that night as a white van full of teenagers barreled down a city street at nearly 60 miles per hours.

“Trust me I’ve done this before, there’s no way we can get caught,” Elliot persisted to his four counterparts.

“Feo, that’s illegal on so many levels. There’s no way I’m taking a chance of that being on my record,” Kai counter shaking her head fiercely.

“Okay well we need to figure out what we’re gonna do soon, cause this car is gonna run out of gas whether we figure something out or not,” Kade snapped from the driver’s seat, putting an end to the squabble of his younger friends.

“I still say we ask Jason if we can just borrow some money. They’re nice people and they won’t mind helping us out,” Pax suggested.

The rest of her friends shuttered in disgusted at her persistently optimistic view of others.

“Can we just not and say we did? They already probably think we’re annoying as it is,” Teagan sighed.

They resolved that asking for help was their only reasonable/legal option, but there were other pressing issues at hand.

“I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon,” Feo whined about ten minutes after getting back on the freeway.

They all massaged their stomachs rather hungrily and nodded in agreement… but they hadn’t always had to worry about what they were going to eat that night. No this was a very new concern to the members of The Plaid Hearts, and one that wouldn’t be leaving them any time soon. In fact, months earlier their lives had been very different.
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Sorry this chapter is very short but it's just an introduction. We have a rule to post at least everyother day :D