Less Than Perfect

Heh Asians

“Seriously Linette, I’ve already signed at least ten of your notebooks,” I said grinning and continued to place my practiced signature across the clean white page.

“I know but I love you guys and someday so will everyone else so this way I can prove that I knew you… not to mention I can sell these babies on eBay someday,” she chuckled.

I giggled and waved good bye to her. Man I loved those kids who came to every one of our shows. Anyone in a band can attest to that feeling on their way to a show of ‘oh no, will anyone come tonight’. It’s nice to always know someone will be there just for you. Slowly but surely I made my way across the room of couches and teenagers that made up The Mainstreet.

“Hey wait up,” a girl and her friends called after me as I sauntered out the door for some air.

“You sounded really well tonight like some kind of crazy femme-bot or something. Could we take a picture with you?”

“For sure,” I exclaimed plastering a huge smile on my face.

After the girls had taken a few pictures with me and talked to me about which songs they liked best, they ventured off to find another would-be-famous band member to chat up. The fresh… well Kansas City air felt good in my lungs and on the back of my throat when I walked outside. While I was taking a last long glance at the familiar parking lot and street around me I heard a giggle coming from below me. I looked over the railing and there was none other than Kai and Jason (he was in Shower Sounds, one of our touring mates). His arm was around her waist and he was whispering in her ear. Since my alone time wasn’t truly alone I decided to go back in to the dense air of the building.

“Have you seen Kai?” Kade asked me as soon as he saw me.

“Yeah, looks like she’s taking advantage of being single early,” I replied grinning.

I didn’t really notice him wince at my statement, but I should have.

“Well can you let her know we need to get rolling?” he said a bit harshly.

“Sure, but you know that bad attitude won’t get you very far,” I commented at his tone.

He just gave me a look and stalked off again into the mass of scene hair and tight jeans. Rather than walking outside I just texted her telling her to come inside. It was a minute or two before she texted me back asking where I was at.

“There you are,” she cried dragging Jason by the hand through a group of people “I didn’t think we’d find you”.

“There aren’t that many people here silly,” I replied “and there are even fewer Asians.”

She laughed at how I always seemed to use my race in conversation.

“Why do we need to leave so early? Bottomless Romantic isn’t even done with their set yet,” she asked.

“Beats me, but you know how Kade is. He always wants to be on time or early and we could all use with some sleep tonight anyway,” I told her, tracing circles on the table with my finger tip.

“Jeez there you two are! Stop chillin and actually help us get the stuff loaded” Kade exclaimed bursting into the room.

“Who stuck a stick in his butt,” Kai whispered under her breath.