Less Than Perfect

One hell of a ride

We were exhausted from the show and the last thing we wanted to do was load our equipment. Jason and the rest of Shower Sounds had already started loading and were almost done. Once they were they came over and piled everything into our van. I looked up after strategically placing a guitar case in the van, and caught a glimpse of Kade staring down Jason. I didn't understand why and just ignored it. He noticed me and turned around quickly. He had been acting weird tonight. At the show he didn't say a word to me, unlike normally when he would talk to me at least during the band changes. I shrugged it off that he was just having a bad day,

Once the van was loaded we all decided it would be best to get some sleep. Kade once again took the responsibility of driving. We were headed to St. Louis which was only a four hour drive from Kansas City. I was sure there would be time to sleep when we got there. I mean, no one can function without at least 7 hours.

I woke up nearly 3 hours later. I realized I was the only one awake besides Kade so I didn't make a sound. Kade was singing along to a song on the radio, oblivious to the fact that I was awake. He belted out the chorus as if he wrote the song himself. It was a funny sight. He could never really sing and neither could I. We always used to pretend we were rock stars when we were kids. We both wanted to be the singer. I guess we were holding on to a belief that maybe if we act like a singer we could become one.

"Hey Kade." I finally spoke up in a sleepy voice.

"Oh! Hey Kai!" He said shocked that I was awake. "How long have you been up?" He asked.

"I just woke up." I lied. I couldn't hurt the poor guys feelings.

He let out a sigh of relief. Conversation was awkward and short. Then he asked an extremely random question that made me quite confused.

"Kai?" He started out.

"Yes dear?" I replied.

"I was wondering..." He stuttered, "Do you like Jason?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Just wondering."

"I don't know. Life's kind of weird right now."

That was the end of the conversation due to the fact that Pax had now woken up. It was more than likely due to the fact that I made a sudden move and she was laying on my shoulder.

I couldn't help but think about what Kade had asked me. It was a little strange. He had never worried about who I was dating or who I liked. I guess it was never a big deal to him. So why now? Pax had started talking to me but I just ignored her. My mind was wrapped around Kade. It had concerned me so much that I didn't even notice we had reached St. Louis. It was four in the morning and I think it was best for us to all get some sleep.

This tour was going to be one hell of a ride.