Less Than Perfect


What a kick ass day it would turn out to be.

We had spent our time wandering around the streets of Springfield, Illinois, walking into any store we found. Pax and I tried on clothes and modeled them for the boys, leaving any and all clothes lay across the floor. Pax, as predicted, picked them up as we waited for her outside the store.

I sometimes regretted how we teased her, or how we didn't help in situations like this. She was a sweet girl, but I wasn't her. I would rather hang out with the boys than pick up some department store floor. She had good intentions though and thats why we loved her.

We had made a final stop at Starbucks about an hour before we needed to be at The Black Sheep Café. We all ordered some sort of beverage ranging from frappuccino to tea, except for Pax. She had opted out of it. Which seemed weird to the rest of us, considering starbucks was her favorite store for frozen treats. She rambled on about how we wasted our money and we would soon be down to nothing. We all ignored her as we sipped down our drinks and headed for the next venue.

We all prayed that everything would go right and the show wouldn't be as bad as the last.

We had managed to pull of a bad ass show. Kade made eye contact with me and even told a few jokes along the way. It honestly wasn't too bad until the end.

First, Kade was back to ignoring me. You would think after proclaiming your love for a girl, the last thing you would want to do was ignore her. Though the show had been fine he didn't seem to want to talk to me afterwards. He managed the merch stand after pleadings from Pax that we needed a little more money, while I went to talk to Jason.

It was his last day of the tour, and surprisingly I wasn't that sad. It had nothing to do with him, but more Kade. I had been completely focussed on Kade and couldn't attempt to deal with Jason. I gave him a hug and kiss goodbye. This was Kade's plan. If I focussed my attention on him I would't be able to think about Jason. He knew me all too well.

After the night was over and final goodbyes to all of Shower Sounds and Bottomless Romantic, who were both leaving the tour, we packed our van and left the venue.

It wouldn't be to long till our next stop but I figured I would spare awkward conversation and catch up on the sleep I had missed out on the night before. Let's just say Jason and I had started early with saying goodbye.

I woke up to hysteria. Apparently we had run out of gas in the middle of no where, absolutely no reception. Pax and I decided to take a walk and try and find reception or a pay phone or a gas station for that matter. It was also good time to catch up on what was going on. We talked about Jason and then moved on to Kade. She had known Kade for longer than I had. She told me he was always like this to the girls he liked. It had still hit me hard. Like. Kade liked me. I honestly didn't know how I felt about him. He was my best friend and to think of me dating him was not only a little weird but also terrifying. 'What if...' thoughts ran through my mind. I was scared we would loose an amazing friendship over a relationship. I loved the kid. But I wasn't sure what that kind of love was.

All I knew is we were stranded in the middle of no where, and I could really care less.