Status: Initiated - Phase

My Rubber Phillie

The Arrival:

The lawyer had driven the car, taking me to the farm mentioned in the will. What I found, is a line of beaches, along the road. Then the trees line the roads on both sides, all the way to the house, in which I'm supposed to live, not that I complain.

He had left me, to my own devices, as it were, in order to perform his duties, elsewhere. I'm alone, given the time to get used to what I had been given. For how long? I had no idea.

Apparently, I had the food, meant to last me a week? I had as much of clothes, expected for me to require? Not to mention, a confusion, enough to span the world.

He had told me, explained, he had errends to run, duties and businesses to handle. I had tried to listen, though most had gone out the other ear, just as fast as if slipped into the first? He is lower by birth and trade, after all.

I had unpacked, what little I had carried with me, once he had left. I guess I was as happy to be rid of him, even if he had just left me, with little to nothing? The small collection of belongings, for what they were worth.

Only then, I had found a hidden door, as if I had been in a medivil castle? Ofcause, its a farm, and with that, only what's to be expected here? Short of the one surprice.

I had been told that I'd have no need of money, which seems to be true? Even if the full extent of it isn't fully realised, just yet. There may be a few things I need to fix here, which ultimately require some means of funding.

I have all the food in the world, for all I could see. Just as I seems to have all the clothes I could wish for.