My Chemical Disaster

Where'd You Go?


I tried getting him back but he just told me to go to Frankie. It’s not like he doesn’t check out other girls.

“Did you hear that?” I asked Brianna and Angie.
“Yeah, you kinda screamed it!”
“Great, this is so embarrassing”
“You got that right”
I turned around and find Frankie smiling at me. He walked up to me and put his arms around my shoulder and we started talking.
“So how long have you thought about this?” he asked.
“Um long”
“So that’s why you were shy”
“Well you don’t needa be shy around me, I’m Frank fucking Iero!”
We both started laughing.
“I see why I shouldn’t. Anyways I’m gonna go find Peter.”
I started looking for Peter but Frankie pulled me back.
“Dance with me”
“No thanks”
“Come on”
“I didn’t wanna dance with Peter, what makes you think I wanna dance with you?”
“Because I’m hot”
He smiled at me and made me the cutest face ever. He leaned closer to me until there was a little gap between us. I felt his breath upon mines. He leaned close enough until our lips touched. Wait I’m looking for Peter.
“Look frank, you’re really sweet but, I needa find Peter”
I looked all around for him but couldn’t find him.
“Brendon, where’s Peter?”
“I saw you and Frankie. He doesn’t wanna see you right now”
“Brendon just tell me”
“Please ain’t gonna do it”
“Fine I’ll go look for him myself”

About 10 minutes later I found him sitting down alone.
“Don’t hey me”
“It is so not my fault. You wanted to know and I told you the truth. It’s not like you don’t check out other girls”
“It wasn’t your fault you kissed Frank?”
“Ok, that’s a different story. Petery, I don’t love him I love you”
“How can I trust you? You didn’t even trust me before.”
“I know I didn’t, and I’m sorry. I should’ve trusted you but, it’s kinda hard when everybody is telling me about your past”
“That was the past. This is the longest I’ve been with a girl Sopheap. If I was with someone else I would have been with another girl right now but I’m not; I’m with you. I love you very much and don’t wanna lose you to anyone; not even Frankie.”
“I love you more you think”
I looked into each others eyes and we finally kissed.

“How could you!!” I heard Frankie say. What the heck is wrong with him?
“Umm what’s wrong?” I said.
“I thought you loved me?”
“Dude, I’m a huge fan of you; it is Peter who I love!”

He walked away like we were together; like I just cheated on him with Peter. Weirdo! Peter and I finally danced to a ‘couple’ of songs. I’m such a party pooper. Oh well… Frankie kept giving me the ‘evil’ eyes. Why’d he have to be so damn cute? I think they were going to be performing in Florida or something like that. Florida is beautiful but Frankie’s gonna be at the shows too. This is so not good at all. It was already 10. Wow time had passed by fast.

“When are we leaving?” I said not trying to sound like I wanted to leave.
“Why? Aren’t you having fun?”
“yeah I’m having fun I was just wondering, it’s already 10”
“whenever you wanna leave, tell me”

I didn’t know when I wanted to leave. I hate when he lets me make decisions. What if I wanna leave and he really doesn’t. ARGH!! I sat down next to Angelique.

“Hey” She said.
“So you and Pete made up?”
“Yeah he understood everything”
“Cool, so yeah what’s happening with Frank”
“Nothing. I mean it’s just a crush cause I am like a huge fan of my Chem and him so it’s just a phase…”
“Why say it like that?”
“You’re not helping at all! I don’t like him; he’s just a cutie bug”

We ended up leaving around 12. Frankie didn’t say one word to me. Whatever then. I went to sleep right away. The trip to Florida wasn’t that long. When we arrived there we rented a suite. Panic got their own and so did MCR.

“I have a show tonight at 7”

I started staring at his face. I noticed he hadn’t been shaving since the party. He really needs to start shaving soon. He was growing mustache and a beard.

“What?” He said.
“You’re like looking at me weird”
“No I’m not”
“Yeah you are now tell me why”
“Fine, but you can’t get mad”
“Ok, promise”
“Well you needa shave”
“You needa shave! You look better when you’re not hairy!” I started laughing.
“Oh so that’s how it’s gonna be like then”

I starting touching his face. It felt so weird.

“Stop!” He said.
He grabbed my hand and tried to pull me into a kiss. I saw little hairs wanting to poke me so I backed away.
“What was that for?”
“No, you should be happy fan girls won’t find me as attractive with a beard and a mustache”
“I don’t find it attractive either now please shave or I’m not gonna kiss you. Your hair might poke me”
“They don’t hurt and I’m not gonna shave” I leaned in again but it was unsuccessful.
“Petery, Please do it for me.”
“No I think I look more manly”
“No you look like an old man”
“Ugh! I’m not shaving, end of story”

I really want him to shave. Too bad he was stubborn. Oh well, he’s gonna shave it like it or not…