My Chemical Disaster

She said She Loves Me


I don’t know if Frank was mad at me. I hope he’s not. When we got to the hotel MCR and Panic! Hung out at my suite.

“Hi!” I said to Frank.
He just looked at me and turned away.
“So you’re mad at me for the one little thing?”
He nodded.
“That’s such a stupid reason to be mad, It wasn’t like I burying you under sand!”
“Still it was embarrassing”
“how? Just because people couldn’t hear you?”
“Whatever than!”


Well it wasn’t that embarrassing; it’s just fun messing with her! I don’t needa ask Mikey about Brianna because he already told me he liked her so my part of the deal was done. I wonder if I should forgive her or not. To forgive or not to forgive? Oh well I guess I’ll forgive her. I mean I would’ve of hated it if sand was stuck to me. I knocked on her door. She was with Peter…

“Sopheap, can I talk to you?”
She got up from the bed then Peter pulled her back down.
“Whatever you tell her, I’m sure you can tell it in front of me”
Sopheap just stared at him like he was weird or something.
“Ok then, well I’m not mad at you and the other thing I needa tell you, I can’t tell in front of Pete.”
“Oh yeah…” she said.
“What is it?”
“It has nothing to do with us, it’s something for Bri” she said.
“Ok then” He grabbed her face and pulled her into a long kiss. “Bye!”
He soo did that on purpose! Me and Sopheap talked near the bathroom area.
“So what did he say?”
“Well I didn’t ask him”
“Before you start yelling at me, it’s because he already liked her”
“Oh, but you still needa ask him!”
“Fine I will but what about her and Ryan”
We heard a loud slam. That must’ve been Ryan.
“Yeah I guess she broke up with him”
“Ok I’ll ask him tonight”
“Yeah you better tell me”
“I will”
“Well yeah I’ll go now before Peter gets mad”
“You know what! You shouldn’t even be caring. He’s like controlling you!”
“Well nothing! He isn’t your mom, so you should be able to hang out with or talk to whoever you want to”
“I know what this is leading to…”
“Yeah Sopheap, you needa a new guy. Someone who will trust you and love you like I do. Sopheap, love me?”

I leaned in closer to her. She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. I leaned in close enough just to feel her lips on mines. She pulled back.

“Frankie, I’m sorry. I just can’t.”
She walked back into the room. So close, maybe it was cause Pete shaved… Poo. I went to talk to Mikey.
“Hey Frank, what’s up”
“Nothing much. I just kissed Sopheap”
“What? She’s with Pete”
“I don’t care. Anyways enough about me, do you wanna go out with Brianna”
“Would I! Of course”
“Well buddy, today’s your lucky day”

I watched Mikey. He went up to Brianna and just kissed her. Ok weirdo! She looked stunned, and then looked at me. I put thumbs up and she did it back. He left the room with her; I’m guessing she’s going to my suite. I sat down with down next to Brendon. He seemed really quiet for some reason.

“Is something wrong?” I asked him.
“No, it’s nothing”
“It’s ‘not nothing’ if it’s bothering you”
“You can tell me anything, what’s up”
“Well it’s Sopheap”
He likes her too?
“She’s with Peter and I like her. The other day, at the beach we kissed. Well I really kissed her and yeah we haven’t really talked after that. You think she’s mad?”
“I don’t think she’s mad. It does suck when you like someone and they’re with someone else.”
“Who’s this someone”
“No one really”
“It’s ‘not no one really’ if you like her”
Damn he did it back to me.
“Well it’s… it’s Sopheap”
He looked at me right away.
“Yeah I do like her too”
“Well we have no chance with her anyways”
“What do you mean we? I’ve got her right where I want her”
“What do you mean?”
“She is falling for me. She’ll be out of Peter’s hand in no time”
“That is low man”
“Hey I love her and I’ll do whatever I have to do to get her”
“Not if I get her first” Brendon said.
“fine who ever gets her gets her”
we shook on it. Let the game begin.