Lets Cheers To This

Audition Tape

Cameron turned the shower handle towards the right until it was pointing downwards. The water stopped gushing down and a few drops fell. Cameron lifted his feet over the side of the tub and stepped on the towel below him. He grabbed the towel off of the rack and started to dry himself off. He wrapped his towel around his waist, and tucked the end of it into the towel. He unlocked the door and Hank was standing there.
“Yeah” said Cameron calmly
“You mean yes sir”
Cameron rolled his eyes. “Yes sir”
“Your mother and I have decided that you need to find a job in 3 weeks or you’re getting kicked out.”
Cameron’s jaw dropped. “What?”...
“You heard me, now go change, lazy ass”
Cameron walked in his room, closed and locked his door and sat on his bed. He let his face drop into his hands and he started to cry. He stood up and grabbedthe glass jar of pens from his desk. He looked down at it and whipped it at the wall.
“Hank, I’m not too sure about this. Only 3 weeks?”. Cameron’s mom sighed.
“I already told him. He needs it, or he is just going to mooch off of your money”
“Yeah, I gue-”
They heard the glass jar smash.
“That little bitch!” yelled Hank
Hank got off his recliner and stood up. He started to walk over to Cameron’s room. Cameron’s mom grabbed Hank’s sleeve.
“Stop, imagine you were told this. Let him calm down.”
Hank let out a deep breath and sat back down.
Cameron left the pens and broken glass on the ground while he changed. He changed into his favorite black skinny jeans, and his Sleeping with Siren’s tank top. He picked up his guitar and started to tune it. He started with low E. It was fine, and so was the A string. He tuned D a little, along with G. B and high E were fine. He attached his guitar strap to it and laid it on his bed. He grabbed his camera and put it on the shelf of his desk. He looked at all the scratches and dents on it. It was the camera he took to their concert. He bought it just for them. Cameron put the guitar strap over his neck, and got ready. He warmed his voice up a little but by singing a few scales. He wasn’t as good as Kellin, but he was ok. He pressed the record button. The self timer went off. 3..2..1..
“Hey guys, I’m Cameron and this is my audition tape for you guys. I’ll be playing “Lets Cheers To This”. He took a deep, heavy breath and closed his eyes.“I’ve got the whole world in front me, I’m not letting go until I say”. Cameron started playing guitar. He finished the song and pressed the button to stop recording. He took out the memory card and pushed it into the slot in his computer. He took the file and put it on his desktop and opened it. He put it into a movie editing program and edited out the time at the end where he walked up to the camera to stop recording. He clicked save.
“Oh shit”
Cameron had to make a twitter. He went to twitter, and chose “create an account”. He chose his username to be sleepingwithcameron. He didn’t really know how to use it but he tried. He followed SWS’s twitter, Kellin’s, Gabe’s, Justin’s, and Jesse’s. He clicked on make a tweet and started typing. Then he went to youtube and uploaded it. He took the link of the video and copied it.
“Hey @SWStheband, Please take a second to look at this. It would mean the world to me. #SWSnewguitarist.”
Cameron felt like he was going to puke. He added the video link and pressed tweet