Goodbye Was Never Easy

Goodbye means forgetting..

I remember the night it all happened like it was the other day.
Louis came home super late drunk and we started arguing, it lead to him stomping out of the house and me chasing him. "Louis!, Get back in the house. We need to talk." I yelled. He ignored me and sped off down the road. I went back inside and watched T.v. A few hours later I got a call from Liam telling me the Louis was in the hospital and I needed to come fast because they didn't think he would make it. I drove as fast as I could but I didn't make it in enough time. By the time I got there it was to late he was already gone. I lost it then and there, Harry had to drag me away. From then on I've been blaming myself, I still feel as if I can still hear Louis' voice around the house, His laughter, his stupid jokes, his playfulness it's still here but I can't help but feel empty. Pretty much this is going to be a diary type thing were I tell you how stuff goes day by day. It's not easy but with the help of Niall, Liam, Harry, and Zayn I think we can all make it through this.
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I don't know if you guys will like it or not. I'm not the greatest writer and this just came off the top of my head. Comment? :)