Goodbye Was Never Easy

Day 1

Dear Journal/Diary,

Today's the day of Louis' funeral, I don't know how I'll take it. It's gonna be super hard but it'll be easier to get it over with. Welp the boys are here so I guess it's time to leave, I'll finish this when I get back.
Well that was probably the hardest thing I've had to do, But I swear I heard Louis' voice and felt him nest to me the whole time. His dad kept glaring at me, He says it's my fault his son is dead. But I have a secret, Me and Louis got engaged before he passed away, I've been wearing his and my ring ever sense then but I don't know how to break it to his parents or the boys.
Niall came over for a little while after he went home to change, I was standing in the kitchen when he walked in and he asked why I look a little "fatter" then usual. My stomach's been getting bigger lately and I don't know why, Niall thinks I might be pregnant. I'm scared. I guess I'm gonna have to go to the doctors tomorrow.
Well I think I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight<3
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Hope you like it :)