Flying High

Field of Ash

I began to panic. Why did my wings disappear?! I felt my back again, looking for the warmth of the energy. I felt nothing, no tickling sensation, no warmth, no nothing. All I felt was the cold air of the shady forest. I sat down at the base of the pine tree and exhaled deeply. I had no clue which direction I came from because I did a whole bunch of crazy loops in the air until I landed. Note to self: if I ever got my wings back, always concentrate on flying and nothing else until I land. I sighed and looked up into the leaves of the surrounding trees. My instructors must be wondering where I am right now. Ms. Colechester must have called them when I was starting to walk up to let them know that I was coming back up to the field. I could see the sunshine a little bit through the thick leaves of the oak trees. The rays showed that it was the early afternoon, possibly around two o'clock. Dinner would be in three hours so I should have enough time to make it out before then. I stook up, brushed my bum off and began to make my way back.

"Now..." I said to myself outloud, "The sidewalk that I was traveling from went straight to the forest, which was East. Right now it's about two o'clock. So if I can find the suns position right now, I can determine which way is East and make my way out of here!" I was a genious. Thank you to Mr. Denfold for giving that pointless lesson about the suns pattern of setting and rising and how to use it if you ever get stuck somewhere. It actually came in handy for once in my life. I saw a clearing up ahead that was big enough to show where the sun was in the sky. I ran as fast I could to the clearing and ran into what looked like the middle so I can get a 360 degree view of the sky.

When I reached the center, I got a strange feeling that something isn't right with this place. The field was a perfect circle, not a single blade of grass on the perimeter of the circle was off. It was like it was drawn with a giant protractor. Inside the circle, nothing grew. It was made up of some strange black debris. I bent down and picked some of it up. It felt like a burnt wood. I smelled it. It had a strange odor, almost like a dead animal. Something caught my eye in the area where I picked the sample up. It was a thin shard of what looked like wood. I droped the sample and picked up the little shard. I felt it. It was smoothe and had ridges at the end. I had a puzzled look on my face and then I realized what I was standing in. I was standing in a spread out pile of human ash. I threw the bone on the ground and looked up at the sky. The sun was directly infront of me so I had to run in the opposite direction that I was facing. I stood up and turned around to make my way back to the field. But I froze.

Fear went throughout my body, the color from my face disappeared into the air around me and my body temperature dropped ten degrees. Standing on the perimeter of the field of ash was the same figure that I saw about two hours before on the football field but its face was more distinct now. It had the snout of a cat, the eyes of a male human, and the ears of a jackal. I still had no clue what the creature was called but all I knew was that i had to get out of here or else I'm in big trouble. Suddenly, others began to appear around the perimeter. They all looked the same, tall dark bodies with long arms and long blade fingers. Sharp legs with no feet and tenticles coming out of their backs. I felt tears forming in my eyes because I thought that this would be the end. But then I fent a sudden urge to fly. I concentrated on my wings and I felt the same tickle happen in the same spot on my back. I looked behind me and they were back. I felt overjoyed and I decided to get the fuck out of there. I looked up into the sky and thought about flying up at the speed of a fighter jet. And that's exactly what I did.

The entities looked at me as I flew higher and higher into the sky. I stopped in the air and my wings held me up long enough to see what was going on. They were all staring at me, waiting to see if I would fall somehwere in the surrounding forest. I noticed that one of them was trying to step into the circle but for some reason, it couldn't get it. I found it very strange but I needed to focus on getting back. I went in the opposite direction of the setting sun and made it back to the area where I dropped my cooler. I had been gone for ten minutes but it felt like an hour in my head. When I touched down on the ground beside my cooler, my wings disappeared. I sighed, I could learn how to use them on Saturday when I was free for the first time in forever. I picked up my cooler and began to make my way back up to the field.

When I got to the field, there was a water break going on. Everyone stopped drinking and looked at me. Some of them waved and some of my close friends ran up to me and hugged me. Gabe saw me and walked calmly towards me, he knew that I needed space to breathe but my other friends clearly didn't know that. Ryanne was the one who reached me first, followed by John, Francine, Julia, Naomi, and then Gabe.

"Holy crap Colette!!" screamed Ryanne. "We thought you were gonna die!! How are you feeling?!" She gave me a big hug which wasn't a good idea.

"I'm fine, I just need room to breathe and hugging me isn't really helping in any sort of way." I said with a laugh. Ryanne knew I was joking around and let go. John smiled and pat my back.

"I'm glad you're alright bud." he said. Besides Ryanne and Gabe, John was my go to guy who was my absolute best guy friend. He really gets me and I know that if i'm ever in a jam, he'll be there for me. But i don't think I can tell him about everything that's been going on with the weird entities and the wings and stuff. Francine, Julia and Naomi all smiled at me and each gave me an apple, my favorite fruit in the whole world. I smiled and said thanks and they went back to their sections along with John and Ryanne so I can have a moment with Gabe. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. Gabe was about eleven inches taller than me but I didn't care, I liked being five feet three inches and he liked being his lanky six foot two self. I put down my cooler and he hugged me tight, but not as tight as Ryanne's hug.

"You scared the crap out of me Colette." he said in a whisper. He let go of me and brushed the hair out of my face so he could look into my eyes. "Are you ok?"

I smiled "Yeah I'm fine. I just can't do any color guard work until tomorrow." I said with a disappointed look on my face. "But I can still do drill as long as I don't feel light headed." Gabe smiled and heard a whistle. We both sighed.

"Well looks like we're back..." he said. "After practice is done, I'll drive you home. Call your parents at dinner and say that there's no need for them to come and get you." My parents trusted Gabe so they would let him drive me home. I nodded and gave him one last hug. Before he let go, he kissed my lips softly and ran to get his saxophone. I smiled and put my cooler down. I walked over to my stuff and grabbed my drill packet. Only two and a half more hours until dinner, I can so survive this.
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Chapter Three of Flying High. Hope you all enjoy it!! :) I'm having such a fun time writing this and I can't wait to post chapter four!!