Bulletproof Love

Chapter Four

Emily inhaled the warm, California air stepping out the sliding glass door onto the stone patio. The sun was high in the sky and temperatures were as hot as ever. This had probably been the hottest summer she had ever experienced, and it was looking as if that would carry into autumn too. It made her grateful that they had chosen a house with a pool, so they didn’t have to go to the beach everytime they felt like going in the water to cool down. They almost hadn’t gotten the house specifically because of the pool. It wasn’t anything extravagant, just a small pool in the shape of a jelly bean that went to eight feet deep; however, things like pools tended to make the price of houses a lot higher, but the realtor had cut them a deal since it had been a foreclosure. ‘I just love seeing you young couples buying houses!” She had said. Personally, Emily thought there might have been some kind of ulterior motive for that, but they got the house they wanted so she didn’t question it too much.

Vic looked over from where he sat chest deep on the tiled pool stairs, flashing a smile and patting the stair above the one he sat on, inviting her to sit with him. She returned the gesture and went over to one of the floral padded lounge chairs set up a few feet away from the pool to set her towel down. She hated having to traipse all through the bottom floor, up the stairs and half of the upstairs to get a towel. Mostly she just hated cleaning up the water she dripped all over the place though. After it was securely draped over the back of the chair, she padded barefoot over to the shallow end of the pool and made her way down to the third stair to sit. Vic leaned forwards a bit, but as soon as she was sitting he leaned back to rest between her legs.

She began running her fingers through his long hair. It was still dry, but it was curly. She loved it when his hair was curled at the ends. She didn’t really know why, but she suspected it was because it wasn’t something he let it do often, it was usually straightened to perfection, so not many people got to see it like that. Not much about Vic was private anymore; there were a lot of people out there who wanted to know everything about Pierce the Veil’s singer; what made him tick, what inspired him to write the songs he did, and what kind of cereal he ate for breakfast (Froot Loops, for your information). Sometimes it seemed one of the only things in his life that wasn’t privy to the public eye was her. They had both agreed a long time ago that if the band ever got as big as it had, they would keep their relationship pretty quiet. Sure, Vic would post the intermittent tweet or photo on instagram, but she didn’t meet fans, unless of course they had a backstage pass to a show she was at (contrary to what some might think, she did not go to every one of their shows, or go on tour with them), or someone recognized her from one of said photos, which had only happened like, twice. So she really cherished the knowledge she had that no one else did, like what side of the bed he slept on, or who his least favorite relative was (his aunt Rosa - it wasn’t that he didn’t like her, just the sweaters she sent him every year for both his birthday and Christmas).
“That feels nice.” Vic remarked, leaning his head back against her chest. There was a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth, and it reflected in his eyes. Emily folded herself over and pressed a small kiss to his lips, and in that moment, everything was perfect.
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Sorry for the craptastic chapter! I was gone all day, but I really wanted to give you all something because seriously, you rock. I can't believe I got five recs on the last chapter alone. Thank you so much!