Status: This story is complete, I am merely editing it.

Modern Magic


Imagine having the same dream over and over again for weeks upon weeks. Now imagine the dream having no clear meaning, leaving you more and more puzzled the more times it occurs. That’s how its been for me, the same obscure dream for weeks, night after night. Tonight’s was no different.
It starts off familiar enough, me sitting up in my bed in the dead of night. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, that is until my entire room fades away and I am set falling down eternal darkness. I could feel the wind against my body and my hair waving through the currents.
If this were all my dreams were about, I’d be ok with that, but it doesn’t end there. As I’m falling, I can hear a voice talking to me. Straining, I can barley make out what it saying.
“Your world is coming to an end, you must embrace your new destiny when the time is right. . . The fallen have seen. . . you are now in danger. . . ” The voice comes from nowhere.
“WHO ARE YOU!?” I try screaming but I get nothing in response. Time passes as I simply fall into the abyss.
“Your world is coming to an end. . .” That’s the last thing I hear before my free falling body collides with my body lying in bed asleep.
Upon impact, I jolt up out of bed with cold sweat dripping down my face. These dreams have been going on for over a month and still I have gotten no answers. The dreams only plague my thoughts and distracts me from reality.
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