There's something special about you.

What do you mean?

The ride in the elevator was very quiet. Angel kept glancing over at this mysterious young boy, and to her shock he was looking at her as well. The elevator dinged, signaling that the doors would open. Angel frowned at the thought of the boy leaving. She looked up to see him once again looking at her.
"I never caught your name?" The boy smiled at Angel.
"I-it's Angel." She stuttered slightly.
"What a pretty name. It fits you very well." He said smiling, as he moved to get off of the elevator. Angel looked down at the ground and mumbled a small thank you, because she was not use to getting complements.
"Mine's Raven, just so you know." He smiled again before leaving the elevator. Angel thought his name was fitting for him. He had longish black hair, his eyes were dark, and he was very strange.
The rest of the ride up all Angel could think about was the boy. Why had he been nice to her? She sighed, it was bad that she would never get to see this boy again. The elevator once again made the dinging noise, she got off. She was on the top floor and was going to take the stairs up to the roof.
Once she got to the top of the steps and open the door, the fresh air hit her in the face. She looked around to make sure no one had followed her up here. She then shut the door and sighed. Angel started walking towards the ledge of the building, when you heard a soft noise. She spun around and saw a little raven sitting not to far behind her. She smiled softly thinking of the boy for down in the lobby and elevator. She carefully walked up to the bird not wanting to scare it.
Angel looked on as the bird itself started walking towards her. She got down on one knee and put her hand out. The raven flew and landed on it.
"What are you doing up here? You could get hurt." Angel froze at that voice, she knew who it was. She turned around and saw the boy from earlier.
"Wh-what are you do-doing here?" She asked stuttering. Damn it, she thought, why the hell am I stuttering around him.
"The question is what are you doing up here, not what I am doing up here." Raven said firmly.
"I can be up here if I want to be." Angel said, crossing her arms. Raven started walking towards her.
"Come on lets get down from here before you get hurt, Angel." He said softly holding out his hand. She slapped it away and backed up.
"No I am staying right here." She yelled,turning around moving towards the edge again.
"Why? Who has hurt you so bad that you want to do this?" Raven asked grabbing her by her wrist turning her around. His eyes widen when he saw the tears pouring from her eyes. He pulled her in to a hug. He didn't know why, but for some reason he felt extremely protective over this young girl, who he barely knows.
"Everyone." She whispered.
"Hm?" Raven asked, pulling away looking at her.
"Y-you asked who hurt me so badly. Everyone has, except you. You've been the first person to be nice to me. Why?" She asked,as her sobs over took again. She fell down to her knees crying. Raven sat down in front of her and sighed.
"Why wouldn't I be nice to you? No one deserves to get picked on or messed with." He said looking at his hands in his lap. He remembered everything that happened to him as a kid.
"B-but why? Everyone el-else doesn't have a pr-problem doing it." She said crying harder. Raven grabed her by her waist this time and sat her in his lap. Angel's eyes got big, at the sudden movement.
"Lets go inside and I'll tell you then. Ok?" Raven asked looking at her. Angel nodded her head slightly, and went to get off of his lap to stand. She squeaked when she felt his arms tighten around her. She looked up to she Raven smiling down at her. He had pick her up and started walking towards the door. The little raven was sitting on his shoulder now.