Lux International


As you'll soon find out, the main character in this story was born with an extremely rare condition called 'Alexandria's Genesis'. Not many people know exactly what that means, so to save you a trip to Google (or whatever search engine you prefer), I'll explain it in full. I'm also going to use the abbreviation 'AG' when I make reference to the condition.
Here is a list of the characteristics of someone with AG:
They are born with blue or grey eye color which will turn purple before their first birthday.
The only hair they will ever have is on their head, eyelashes, eyebrows, and in their ears and nose.
Females never menstruate although they are fertile and can have children.
Dark brown or black hair.
White skin that resists tanning or burning.
An immune system that resists every disease known so far.
Life span ranges from 130-170 years.
Appear 5-20 years younger (after the age of 21, the aging process slows down greatly; it stops completely between the ages of 40-50).
Perfect vision. (With the exception of our character which you will find out later)
Never overweight because their metabolism prevents them from gaining too much weight.
Found mainly in women of Euro-American descent.
Children born from mothers with AG are carriers of the AG gene.
Mutation grows stronger generation after generation.
Produce no human waste.