A Secret Affair With Brendon Urie

Alicia Drewno's brother Chris hates Panic at the Disco. But most of all, he hates the lead singer, Brendon Urie. Although they were once best friends, when Chris was kicked out of the band so Ryan could join, he was replaced completely.

Alicia has an undying love for Panic. Chris could care less, but doesn't want his little sister being infatuated with Brendon.But she can't help but be attracted to Brendon. And when she meets him, her love deepens.

Theres only one problem about loving Brendon: They can't tell anyone. But how long can they keep it up?

This story is the sister story to When You Have An Affair With Ryan Ross by my good friend, Simply Confused. So to understand some of the things that happen in this story, you also need to read that story.

I obviously do not own Panic at the Disco or Avenged Sevenfold (If I did I wouldn't have time to even write this story =P ), nor do I own Ariel. But Alicia, Chris, Shiela, and anyone else that you don't know ARE MINE. Hehe....
  1. Chapter One
    This part is also Chapter four of the Ryan Ross story... Its generally the begining.
  2. Chapter Two
  3. Chapter Three
  4. Chapter Four
  5. Chapter Five
  6. Chapter Six
  7. Chapter Seven
  8. Chapter Eight
  9. Chapter Nine
    Just another filler, but its kinda important
  10. Chapter Ten
  11. Chapter Eleven
  12. Chapter Twelve
  13. Authors Note