The Princess of Wales

Therapy Session #3

I let out a groan as I turned over in bed, my ringtone filling the room with noise. I shot up from bed and realized Zayn wasn't next to me. I didn't care though, I just wanted to go back to sleep. I could smell pizza and the smell of weed coming from under the door. It wasn't just any weed, it smelled like ace quality, Purple Haze kind of stuff. Of course Zayn smoked the expensive weed. I finally found my phone, glancing at the caller I.D. before answering.

"What?" I answered, pulling the covers up to my neck and turning over.

"That Danny Riach lad is so fit." Vicki said in all seriousness.

I let out a laugh and shook my head. "How did you even find out his last name?"

"Well, I searched 'Zayn Malik and Danny' and it came up. I've been stalking his Instagram for the last hour."

"You're mental."

"We totally connected." Vicki said.

"You didn't even speak to him!"

"Trust me, we were vibing off each other."

"Trust me, you're a crackhead." I laughed at her, maybe she's still drunk? I quickly looked at my phone to check the time, shit, I was running late for my session. "Anyway, I have to go. Call you later, quit stalking the boy."

I hung up the phone and got out of bed. I grabbed Zayn's button down shirt from the floor and went to see what he was doing. As soon as I opened the door, I heard 'Successful' by Drake playing. I made my way into the living room and was shocked to be greeted by Anthony. I quickly covered myself up and blushed a little.

"Yo Zayn, your bird's awake."

Embarrassed, I walked right back into the bedroom. I didn't expect the Danny and Anthony to be there, otherwise I would of put my dress back on. I dropped Zayn's shirt to the floor and grabbed my dress, slipping it on. Zayn followed in after me, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey, sorry about that." He said, approaching me.

"It's okay." I smiled and took in his appearance. He was wearing a black beanie and an OBEY jumper. Even with his glossy, bloodshot eyes, he looked real cute.

"You leaving me?" He asked, pulling me close to him. I nodded my head and kissed his cheek. "When can I see you again?"

"I'm not sure." I returned his hug, wrapping my arms around his torso. I looked up at Zayn and he kissed my forehead. "Maybe tomorrow."

"I can take you out for dinner." Zayn suggested. I liked the kind gesture, but it sounded too much like a date, so I had to decline.

"No, that's okay."


"No, Zayn." I protested again.

"Breakfast?" I shook my head at him and gave him a small smile. It may sound stupid, but the thought of sitting down with him and having a meal in public seemed too 'couplely' for my liking. I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea, and by anyone, I meant Zayn. "Do you plan on eating at some point tomorrow?"

"Zayn, you're so cute." I smiled up at him. "We can do coffee."

"Coffee." Zayn nodded his head in agreement before pulling me in for a kiss. "Oh yeah, next time we go more games, yeah?"

"It's not my fault you were jealous but I really need to go." I said, pushing him away. Only for him to pull me back in again.

"Where are you rushing off to?"

"It's a family thing and I'm late." I told him. "I'll call you later."

Zayn yelled something on my way out, making me turn around briefly. "By the way, Charli. I never said I wasn't jealous."

My driver was waiting outside for me, after climbing in the backseat, I changed out of my dress into something more casual. I wore a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I could do nothing with my hair so I just pulled it back. Sitting in the chair across from Dr. Weiner, I spaced out, ignoring everything he was saying. Of course I lied to Zayn about why I had to leave, I couldn't just tell him I was in therapy. It was kind of embarrassing.

"Charli? Charli? Are you listening?" He said, taking me from my thoughts. "Whats on your mind?"


"Come on, Charli. What's bothering you?"

I might as well tell him. I can't talk to Vicki or any of the girls about this, they'll just tease me. "Okay, so that super fit lad I'm sleeping with-"


"Yes, Zayn. Anyway...I feel some sort of shift in our relationship."

"Like what? Do you feel yourself...maybe developing feelings for him?"

"No, it's the exact opposite, really. I'm afraid he's starting to like me."

"Charli, if the two of you are sleeping together, you have to like each other. Correct?"

I sighed, rolling my eyes at him. "Of course we like each other to an extent if we're shagging. But, I'm feeling he's starting to like me like.."

"Somebody to potentially date?"

"Exactly!" I said as he took the words right out of my mouth. "and I can't fathom why."

"Why does this possibility scare you, Charli?"

"Because then I'll have to get rid of him."

"Can you explain?" Dr. Weiner seemed confused by my words. We haven't exactly touched base with my relationship history but I guess we're going to today.

"As soon as a guy starts to care about me or develop feelings, I have to let them go. It's just a rule I have. Feelings complicate everything and I don't want Zayn's feelings to complicate what we have going."

"So out of all your relationships and potential relationships, you've broken things off because your significant other started to care about you? Why not just take a chance?"

"Dr. Weiner.." I let out a nervous laugh. "I'm incapable of being in love. Its even hard to believe that anyone has ever been in love with me, I have a shit personality."

"In order to love somebody, you have to love yourself first. It seems to me that you don't think very highly of yourself."

"I don't." I answered honestly.

"Why not? You're a beautiful young woman, you're in university, you have a nice social life. You have things going for you, why not like yourself?"

"It's hard to like yourself when your family expects the worst out of you." He started scribbling down on his notepad. I'd love to get a look at my file and see what he actually thinks about me. "Not that I want to get on the topic of my family."

"Would you like to continue talking about Zayn?"

"No." I told him. "Not really."

"How about your brothers? How are things going with them?"

That question hit me hard. It's like a ton of bricks fell on my chest, it was hard to breathe. I think I even started having a panic attack. I quickly stood up and opened the window to get some fresh air. I haven't thought about Harry or spoken about his impending deployment since he told me. "I...uh.."

"Are you alright, Charli? You seem nervous."

"Um...I'm not allowed to speak about this."

"Charli, you know what ever you say doesn't leave this room."

I nodded my head and waited a few moments before sitting back down. I seemed to have calmed down a little. I might as well talk to him about this as well, since everything we speak of is confidential. I'm not allowed to talk about Harry being deployed until he has already gone, something to do with a matter of security. "Harry is uh...he's being deployed to Afghanistan next week and I'm not happy about it."

"Naturally, you're not. Does this scare you?"

"Of course it does, for many reasons. Harry flies helicopters, he's in the mist of all the Taliban attacks, its war. But uh...I'm afraid that once his deployment becomes public knowledge, he'll be in even more danger because of who he is."

"And why else does this scare you?" Dr. Weiner pressed, giving me his full undivided attention.

"With Harry gone for four months, I don't know what I'd do with myself. He's all I have."

"Did you have a falling out with William?"

"No, of course not." I answered. "He's just always out of the country, visiting third world countries and all that royal bullshit. Besides, even if Will was around, I'd still miss Harry. He and I have a very close relationship, he understands me better. Probably because he's embarrassed our family just as much as I have, maybe even more. He never passes judgement when I do something stupid."

"You're afraid of never seeing him again." I'm not sure if that was a question or a statement, I nodded my head anyway. "Well, Charli, our time is up."

"Already?" I asked, kind of surprised. These things usually take forever.

"Yes, I think you're making a lot of progress."

"How so?"

"Well, for starters.. The first time you sat in this office, you chain smoked. You haven't even reached for a cigarette our whole session. It's little progress, but it's progress nonetheless."