The Princess of Wales

Therapy Session #2

"You look like hell."

I turned my back to see Harry stepping onto the balcony with two cups in his hand, I accepted the one he was holding out for me. "Thanks, twat. So how much trouble are you in?"

Harry sat his cup down on the edge of the railing and pulled a cigarette out from my pack. "Honestly, not as much trouble as I thought. The usual."

I smirked. "I take it father forgot all about me?"

"No." Harry laughed. "He literally has no idea what to say to you anymore. Hopefully these therapy sessions start working."

I laughed, taking a drag of my cigarette. "I'm not very comfortable telling a complete stranger everything that goes on in my head, so he won't be getting very far."

"Don't be so close minded."

"CHARLOTTE!" I heard dad calling my name from inside. I guess it was my turn? I put my cigarette out in the ashtray and went inside.

"Yes, father?" I asked, prepared for the scolding I most likely was about to receive

"Have a seat, Charlotte. You have some work coming up."

I cocked my head to the side as I sat down across from him. "Work...?"

"Your grandmother and I talked it over, you're going to be doing some volunteer work at a clinic."

"Why didn't you talk this over with me first?"

"Well, Charlotte, you lost that privilege when you showed up in The Sun with a random bloke. Your visit is scheduled for next Monday, 9AM sharp."

"Dare I ask where you're sending me?"

"An Aids clinic in Camden."

"CAMDEN!? Are you trying to get me shot?"

"Don't be silly, Charlotte. You'll be fully protected."

"Ya know, I'm late for my session."

I excused myself and went to get ready. Son of a bitch! Who the hell do they think they are!? I would of much rather of been screamed at.

"Charli, how are we today?" Dr. Weiner asked, turning his attention away from his notepad and to me.

"Fine." I mumbled

"You don't sound fine." he replied. "Whats on your mind?"

"My father is a dick. Happy?" I huffed

"And why do you say that?"

"Because!" I snapped. "He signed me up for some stupid volunteer work at some stupid aids clinic! I mean, not that I don't like volunteering and doing charity work, I have a bloody foundation in my name for fucks sake. But I'd like to volunteer about things I actually care about! Not that aids isn't important, its just not number one on my list. My father is a dick because he's only doing this cause he thinks it will prove a point."

Dr. Weiner wrote in his notepad quickly, surely he wasn't writing down my whole rant but I'm sure he had a lot of notes to make on it. "What point is he trying to prove, Charli?"

I sighed to myself before digging into my purse for my pack of cigarettes. Either this bloke doesn't read tabloids or he just wants to get me talking. Either way, it was annoying. "He's trying to punish me for ending up in a tabloid with a guy I appear to be shagging. But instead of just asking, he's being a coward and doing this."

"and how does that make you feel?"

I dreaded that question, it was so cliché. "Furious." I told him. "My brother's naked pictures are out there on the internet. What happens to him? Nothing! But me? You might as well stone me to death!"

"So, you're saying you and your brother have recently done equally embarrassing things to make your family look bad, yet you're the one who got in trouble, yes?"

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes. "Like I said before, Harry and Will do no wrong, it's always me."

"Lets go back to the boy-"

"No." I cut him off. "No, thanks."

"Charli, you know there is no judging in this office." he said. "You can tell me."

I let out another sigh and answered to just shut him up. "I met him last week. We're not dating, he's not my boyfriend or anything. We got high, we drank, we shagged but NOT at a club."

"So you're saying you're just mates?"

Can I even call him a mate? Fuck mates maybe but an actual mate? I don't really think so. "Sure."