You're The One

Chapter 11

Colten Teubert arrived at the Eberle-Nugent-Hopkins residence two days later with one hockey bag full of equipment, one hockey bag full of clothes, and some suits. Jordan squealed when he heard the knock on the door. He flung it open and Teubs wrapped him in a giant bear hug. Nuge hung back awkwardly.

"NUUUUGGGEE!", Teubs said enthusiastically before giving Ryan a big hug too. He couldn't help but smile. No wonder he and Jordan were so close, Teubs was fun and laid back and friendly.

The three players quickly adapted to their new situation. Teubs was helping the team a lot and feeling great about it, and Jordan and Nuge were getting used to having a third person in their apartment.

One night after a win over the Wild, Jonesy and Whits asked the boys if they wanted to come out for some drinks. Nuge really did, and Teubs kind of had to being the callup and all, but Ebs was reluctant.

"Come on babe, just a few drinks, then we can go home", Nuge smiled.

"Ok", Jordan agreed.

The bar was surprisingly full for a Tuesday night. Whits bought everyone double shots and they downed them. Pretty soon, more shots were being brought to them and Nuge was loosing track of how many he'd had. Teubs had stopped after the second, and Jordan after the first. Neither really felt like dealing with a hangover in the morning.

Around 12:30, Jordan said he was calling it a night. Teubs agreed to go home with him. Its not that he didn't feel comfortable with the other Oilers, but they were all wasted and he wasn't. Nuge barely noticed Jordan leave, which was fine by Jordan.

When they got back to the apartment Teubs grinned "Well, I'll see ya tomorrow Ebs" as he started off to his bedroom.

"Wait", Jordan said strangled. "Um, do you want to play NHL 13 or something?", he asked desperately.

Teubs's lips curved into a smile. "I definitely do but don't whine when i beat you. Oh, and you're the Flames".

"No way", Jordan smiled and exhaled.

He did let Teubs be the Oilers since Jordan had had plenty more real life opportunities to be one. He settled for Winnipeg. Teubs scored in OT as himself and started punching Jordan in the chest, arms, and stomach. This is what they used to do in junior when one beat the other. It didn't really hurt, Teubs always went easy on him. The next game, Jordan played as the Regina St. Pats and Teubs picked the rival Saskatoon Blades. Jordan chirped him the whole game, especially when the final score was 6-2.

"Colten", Jordan said softly. Teubs put the game controller down and turned to him.

"Ebby", he smiled. God, Jordan had forgotten how good it felt to be called Ebby by Teubs. Teubs had made up the nickname Ebby, which was the only real reason Jordan was so fond of it.

"Do you remember how much fun we had in Regina?", Jordan asked. Teubs started laughing.

"Yeah like when I used to sleep over at your house to get away from my billets and we'd cruise around and go to like, every fast food place in town and sample the fries".

"Thank god coach never found out eh?", Jordan was laughing too now, but then Teubs spoke.

"I miss you", he said solemnly. Jordan was holding his breath. He had been waiting to hear these words from this person. "I've never had a friend like you"

"Me neither", Jordan breathed.

"Yeah, right", Teubs laughed but it sounded sad. "You and Hallsy. The NHLs biggest bromance. Or, I mean I guess it was...", he trailed off.

"Me and him were never like me and you and you know it", Jordan said.

"What about Nuge?", Teubs asked.

"I love you Colten", Jordan said. Teubs stared at him. It's not that Jordan and him had never said that to each other, but it was always hidden behind laughter. "I love ya bud!", they'd say when going home after practice. But this was different. Jordan really meant it.

"I love you too Jordan", Colten said. He realized how much he meant it. And then they were kissing.

It was fast and deep and real and Jordan realized he'd never kissed Teubs like this before, let alone Nuge or Hallsy. He never wanted to stop. After a while they got up and went into the guest room and under the covers. They cuddled and kissed slower than before, but they didn't take off any clothes. They just kept kissing until they fell asleep. Right before he drifted off, Jordan became aware that Nuge would probably find them in the morning, but he didn't care, and tightened his grip around Teubs.
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wow this one ended up being long anyway hope you enjoyed!