Status: Active as an off the rocker mad hatter that's gone round the bend XD

Running From Nightmares


The smell of wet sewage and horses assaulted my nose as I raced through the ever deepening mud puddles of the medieval road. Rain beat down on me as if it were trying to hammer me into the earth. I dodged another buggy and slipped inside the cathedral.

I was cold, wet, and terrified. I knew there was no sense in being scared. I was six centuries back in a medieval village, I had to be dreaming. But as the shadows merged beyond the door, I couldn't help but fear my soon capture.

I bolted. Church or not, I knew they were coming through that door.

I raced to the back of the church and flew through the first door I found. The next thing I knew I was diving headlong into the tombs beneath. I kicked through the door at the back and kept running. It had to connect up to the graveyard, but the tunnel went on forever.

I turned left at every fork I came to, desperately hoping to trip onto a staircase that led outside.

I could feel them behind me, growing closer with every stride.

The next turn I came to, someone reached out and grabbed my hand.

"This way," he said pulling me to the right.

We burst through the door into a hall of glass.
♠ ♠ ♠
Silence is for rocks and door hinges.