Status: Active

Can We Lose Our Minds and Call It Love For the Last Time?


Eventually Beau, Jaime and Tony convinced me that we should head back to the buses, there was still no sign of Elliott and I was really starting to freak out. It was past the worried level, I was seriously freaking out now, what if something bad happened to him? What if he--

"Elliott?" I asked as I stepped onto the blessthefall bus. "What are you doing here?" I walked over to him and he looked away from me.

"I got tired." he shrugged.

"And you didn't think to tell me that you were leaving? We were all worried about you. I thought something bad had happened."

"No I didn't." he stated harshly.

"Did something happen?"

"No dammit, nothing happened!" he snapped at me. My eyes instantly filled with tears at that moment. Had I done something wrong? Why was he being so mean? He wouldn't even look at me.

"Fine." my voice came out shaky and low. I got up and walked off the bus. I should be angry at him I know I should, and I should be even more angry for the way he just treated me, but I was more hurt than anything. Really hurt. I let the tears fall without even realizing that Tony and Jaime were behind me. We made it to our bus and I went straight to my bunk. I heard my dad loud voice and my uncle trying to get him to shut up and go to sleep. It was kind of funny actually, how my uncle, the younger of the two, was taking care of my dad, the older one. My dad was funny when he was drunk, he'd say some weird shit and laugh at the most random not funny things.

"Michael, I want a unicorn."

"Okay Vic, I'll get you one tomorrow, but you have to go to sleep."

"But I want it now."

"You're worse than a three year old on Christmas." sighed Mike.

"That's mean." slurred my dad. Eventually Mike got my dad to fall asleep and I felt him get into his bunk. All the lights were off and everyone was snoring. As hard as I tried I just couldn't fall asleep. It was well past 4am and I was still wide awake. Maybe if the bus was moving I'd have fallen asleep, but since we were already at the last venue, there was nowhere to move to. Today was the very last day of Warped and Elliott had ruined it with his stupid attitude.


I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it and it held that little "text message" icon. Opening it, I saw that it was from Elliot.

Hey, can we talk?

Did I want to talk to him?

I guess.

I'm outside

I sighed and quietly got out of my bunk. I grabbed a hoodie and fixed my hair before going outside.

"Hey." he said quietly when I reached him.

"Hi." it was me who wasn't looking at him this time around.

"I'm really sorry Lexi." he began. "I know it was stupid of me to just leave you there like that, but I got really tired all of a sudden, but I knew that you would be fine with the rest of the guys so I just left."

I looked up at his eyes then. Mainly so that he could understand how hurt I was.

"And I'm sorry for being such a jerk on the bus earlier. I snapped at you when I shouldn't have. Beau almost killed me after you left because of it."

"I just don't understand what I did to make you so angry and mean." I told him.

"No, Lex, you didn't do anything. Anything at all, I swear. It was me, I was just off."


"I..because I.." he stopped.

"Are you hiding something?" I asked him slowly. His eyes flickered to the ground and then back to me.

"No, I promise. I was just off, I had weird drink last night, and it must have not gone down well." he stated.

"You sure about that?" I asked him.

"Of course I'm sure. Lexi, I love you, and I'm sorry sorry for everything that happened." There was something in his eyes that was off. I probably should have walked away at that point but I didn't. I love Elliott and in a relationship you have to trust the other person, so I chose to trust him.

"I love your too Elliott." He smiled and then leaned in to kiss me.

"But pull some shit like that again and I'll kick your ass." I told him seriously and then smiled and kissed him again.

"I know." he smiled. "Let's make this the best last day of tour ever!" he cheered. I went back to my bus, showered, and changed into my outfit of the day. I chose some black shorts, a black off the shoulder The Used shirt and my converse. Instead of leaving my hair down, since it would be really hot today, I opted for a side braid. With that, I went back to the front of the bus and grabbed some cereal. My dad then walked to the front looking like hell.

"Morning dad!" I screamed.

He winced and grabbed his head.

"Shh, inside voice sweetheart." he stated.

"Oh no, it's a beautiful day dad!! I stated just as loud. He groaned and threw him self on the couch. I grabbed him some asprin and handed two to him with a glass of water.


"No problem. You need to hurry up and get rid of that hang over, though, cause you have a meet and greet early today." I informed him. He nodded and then I went to walked around the bus area for a while.

Today had been a really long day, and to be honest, I was a little glad that it was over. I hated the fact the the tour was over, that meant that I wouldn't ben hanging out with such great people as much anymore. But I have stuff to look forward too also. I got a call from the art school that I had applied to and they told me that I had gotten in. I was beyond excited, but I still hadn't told anyone, not even Elliott. I knew that I had to but I was scared to see how they would react, especially my dad and Elliott.

"So babe, my band get's to be in LA for about a week after the tour." smiled Elliott.

"That's great!" I smiled back.

"Yeah, but then we head to Virginia for who knows how long to record an album he frowned.

"Elliott, I don't know how long relationships work, but I'm willing to make it work if you are. I know that it's gonna be tough, but I'm sure that we could make it work you know?" I told him.

"I agree." we walked hand in hand to Denny's. Everyone in Pierce the Veil, Blessthefall, Of Mice and Men, and Sleeping with Sirens had decided to go there for our last dinner together. I also decided that that's where I would tell them all about getting into the School of Arts in San Diego.

We sat at this very large table that the employees had set up for us and after we all ordered we just talked and had an all around good time.

"So, what's everyone doing after tour?" asked Austin.

"Recording, new album, touring." answered Beau.

"Yeah, taking a bit of time off to be with our families and then back in the studio for us." answered Kellin.

"We are doing a tour over seas and then coming back to the states for a tour with Sleeping." answered my dad.

"That's all so exciting! We are going on tour right after this, in about two weeks I believe, it should be good, I love being on the road. What about you Lexi? Got any plans now that you don't go to high school.

"Actually I do." I answered confidently. My dad and everyone else turned to look at me and that's when my confidence went out the window.

"That's good to hear, like what?"

"Um well…um.."

Now or never Lex, just say it.

"I got into the School of Art's in San Diego. I'd be double majoring in music and photography." I told them.

"What?" asked my dad.

"That's great!" smiled Jaime.

"I didn't even know you had applied." stated Elliott.

"Um yeah, I didn't want to tell anyone yet, I figured that I would tell you guys if I got in but not if I didn't."

"So you got in?" asked my uncle.

"Yeah." I smiled. Luckily the food came just then and so everyone dropped the subject. My dad though looked at me with disbelief. I'd have to talk to him later.

After dinner I hung out with Elliott and he turned out to be real supportive of my decision to go to school. He said that is was "rad." Eventually though, we had to say our very first goodbyes, I would be seeing him for the next two days.

"I love you Elliott." I told him.

"I love you too, I'll text you okay?" I nodded and he kissed me.

I got onto the bus and everyone but my dad was in the front lounge.

"Where's my dad?" I asked.

"He's in the back, said he didn't feel so well." answered Tony. I nodded and then went to the back of the bus to find my dad just sitting in the back lounge.

"Dad, wanna talk about it?" I asked him.

"That would be the "dad" thing to do." he told me. I sat next to him and waited for him to go on. "Why didn't you tell me that you wanted to go to school?" he asked.

"I didn't want to get my hopes up. I honestly did not think that I would get in, so I decided to just keep it to myself until I found out for sure." I told him.

"So does this mean that you want to move out and stuff?"

"No dad, not right away anyway. I'd still be at home and going to school and stuff."

"Don't you like coming on tour?"

"I love touring with you, but I need to make a life for myself. You've already got your career, you've got you're purpose. I need to go find mine. This isn't going to change anything dad. You will still be my dad, and I'm still going to love you, but I'm 18 now finally. You have to let me go." I smiled weakly at him.

"I know, and for the record, I'm really proud of you, for making the decision to apply and for getting in, that's really great. I just, I'm not ready for us to go our separate ways yet. I feel like I just got you and you already want to leave."

"I'm not going anywhere dad. I'm still going to be here. And if for some reason I move out, I'll visit all of the time and we'll keep in contact and stuff, nothing is going to change, I promise."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go.
Thanks for the comments, they really do mean a lot.
Sorry for the crappiness, I've been really stuck and I'm just trying to get my creative juices flowing again.
It'll get better!
Thanks for reading still :)