

It was 15 minutes past 10. Jack was driving her home. It had been a long night. He had been watching tv when the phone rang. She didn't know it, but all he wanted was her safety to be assured.

But that's how teenagers were. What ever their parents said, they disagreed. He told her not to go tonight, that the police would be there, cracking down on kids drinking. She laughed and Jack sighed.

They used to be so close. What ever happened? One day, he was watching her play dolls, the next, she left, and wouldn't be seen for days. Jack tried to cherish the few moments that she was home... he really did. But she brushed him off, and went out again. Tonight, he was hoping for once, just once she would stay at home, and they could do something simple, like watch a movie together.

He got the call about half an hour ago. It was the police. They had Lucy, and she couldn't remember her address (Jack sighed when the officer said this), so they needed Jack to pick her up.

She was sleeping in the back seats. She was tired, Jack was tired. All he wanted was for her to get rest. She couldn't keep doing this. Jack couldn't keep bailing her out either. He wasn't going to be around forever. There was a blinking light on the dash. He didn't check, but he was certain he must have been out of fuel. Jack went to the station and filled the car up, all while Luck slept. But the light was still there. It didn't matter so he drove home, and carried her into her room.

He looked at his daughter. Asleep, she looked so peaceful. She looked like any other teenager. With a smile on his face, Jack went to sleep.

The next morning, he walked down the corridor. Lucy wasn't there. Neither was the car. She frustrated Jack, he had a job to do, he couldn't wait for her to get back. So, he rang her phone. In the distance, he heard the tone. She had left it behind. Jack had no choice but to wait.

It was once again 15 past 10. Lucy wasn't home. And the phone rang. Jack hesitated before picking it up. He had every right to, as he was about to find out his dearest daughter, his Lucy, was gone. She was resting now, just like he had wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay.. so, what did you think? My other ending was simply changing the last line.
"Ironically and cruely, she was now resting, just like he wanted."